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Hi everyone--wow, this week just flew by!

I've gotten a wee bit done on ShoH these past few days: I'm really hoping to update the alpha build before the end of the month with at least one route of Chapter 4 done (probably not the one you expect) and at least some of the previous day-off scenes as well: I've made headway on the Chapter 4 thing and Trouble's next day-off scene (in which we re-encounter Lazu Reen)! 

I know, I know, that's confusing as all get-out: I said I wouldn't be working on the day-off scenes while I focused on the main chapters/main plot, but it got kind of lonely writing about MC stuck down there alone in the caves, so I somehow found myself missing the other characters and starting to write their day-off scenes on the side! So far Trouble's is mostly done, and I think before the end of the month I can get Blade, Chase, and Riel's done as well (no promises, though)! You would probably have to replay past chapters in order to get those scenes, though, unless I decide to jury-rig it so you can play them in Chapter 4 so long as you accept it's an alpha build thing and makes no sense at all (hanging out with Riel while in Capra about to celebrate All Heroes Eve, lol). 

And I'm about 80% done with that one route of Chapter 4! If you happen to play that route, I'm very interested to see what your reactions will be to a certain character's actions...

*vagueing intensifies*

Let's keep our fingers crossed that I can get it all done in time! I still have an insane work deadline (that I might actually fail to meet this month *sweats nervously*) as well as the short story for the month to write, so if I have to end up prioritizing, I will update the alpha build in the first week of next month for sure! We'll see though! I'm enjoying myself, but have been working 16-hour days lately! 😅

In other news, a lot of pre-existing art commissions got completed in this last week, as I'm sure you've seen on other social media (or if you haven't, I've posted them here)! I've also updated many of the cards on the new tarot Character Page with those new portraits, so you can go check those out! And as more commissions for various characters are done, I'll be swapping each picture out with the newest one intermittently! (Maybe I'll have to program the ability for the cards to hold more than one picture..................... or make a new character page to hold all the commissioned art? 

.......................That's for another time.)

(I'm also up to something sneaky regarding this, but you'll have to wait and see what I mean by that!)

Our commission (the character reference sheet of Red) is nearly complete: I've seen the mockups and approved them, though we're still grappling with Red's ridiculous hair (literally every artist I've ever commissioned for him has looked at his hair reference and been like ?????) It looks amazing and I can't wait for you all to see it!

As such, I'll be posting the new round of polls now so we can get a start on the next commissioned piece while this one is getting finished up! :) I'll be including new style options and examples this time round, so be sure to vote! <3 Thank you for reading as always and I hope you're having a wonderful close to your week!



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