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 Hi everybody! For this month's goody, I'm publicly releasing the visual references and moodboards I've made on Pinterest for Blest's world, setting, and characters. I hope this adds a new element to envisioning ShoH and a new dimension to imagining the story--if you wanted to see what I have in mind beyond plain text and the occasional art commission!

Please keep in mind that these visual boards are meant to be viewed holistically, and the characters they focus on are always an amalgamation of the references, not exactly what you see piece-by-piece. Many pins are not direct depiction of the character at all: for many images, they're simply included because of a particular hair style, skin color, outfit, a small detail or accessory, or even just the general vibe/aesthetic/atmosphere/energy/mood of the picture. For many pins, my thought was, "This doesn't look anything like X, but I'm pinning it anyway because it feels like them." If you want clarity on any particular image and what it's supposed to serve as a reference for, please feel free to ask!

Also, Pinterest's way of describing images is awful, so there were one or two times that I got excited to see an image that looked exactly like Riel, only to see that it was fanart of, like, a young AU Tom Riddle/Voldemort glfkjgdlfg. So just ignore any descriptions, I just worked off of everything visually...I'm interested to hear what you think! Enjoy!

(Note: none of this art belongs to me, but rather to the original artist!)



Still working on the Prihine board since it's hard to find something that really suits her! And let me know if any of the links don't work: I might have forgotten to turn a setting off from "Private"! Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day! 



So lovely~~~~~ 💜💜💜


Inspo boards are probably my favourite thing to see, second only to the writing itself, so thank you for this treat! I get what you say about the pins being primarily about the "general look", sometimes it's something completely unrelated, but you just see it and it's MOOD Quick question: looking at the Endarkened board, I cannot help but notice that a lot of pins are exceptionally humanoid in form, faces and all, though I have imagined them mostly as these spooky entities that only somewhat resemble people (more like the "earlier" pins from the bottom of the board). Am I Jared, 19, or is this another one of those cases where it's a vague reference only? :D


Many are vague reference only and about "vibe", but I should note that many Endarkened--particularly Cacophants--suffer from "Children of Light envy" and tend to choose forms that are very humanlike or imitative of citizens in Blest while in Hael, in an effort to mimic or mock or inhabit the forms that they both so despise and dearly desire? It's a case of "I hate what was never given to me and want to destroy it, but me wanting to destroy it also doesn't lessen the fact that I also envy it, and that envy is the thing that fuels my hate." You can see this attitude predominantly in the Soldiers of Hael demo, where the Endarkened lord Ancila fashions her palace after the Sun Court's, albeit a twisted form of it. I hope that makes sense!!