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Hello! I took some time to go through things in Chapter 3 again and I'm ready to post the update! (Click on the link below this post to read it!) It's still not my best writing, but I'm vastly more happy with it than I was last week (after several revisions, lol) and I felt this way about the last two chapters too, so I'm ready to start tackling Chapter 4! (And meeting Halek, whoa!!!) My main gripes right now are pacing and detail, but I also got wildly experimental with the form of this chapter, so I'm going to give myself some leeway and say it's pretty decent as is!

I think I'm just going to lay down the footwork for the "main plot" chapters before going through and writing the day off scenes in a more cohesive way, so just a heads up on that! I'm just trying to blast through the main bulk of the game while inspiration is still striking me--I've got to strike while the iron is hot, as it were! 😃

This update brings us to 235,000 words; at about 30% through the story, that means the total estimate of the entire project should be somewhere in the ballpark of 700,000 words, probably more with the inclusion of the day off scenes! 😱 Crazy!!! Thanks for sticking with it! It feels really good to have about a third of the game mapped out and drafted already! ❤

In other news, Blade and Ayla are currently tied in the commissioned art poll, so if you haven't voted yet, be sure to cast your vote! That's all I have for this week, so I hope you're able to read the update and enjoy! 😁



I have a question does the choice when Zori asks MC about if there was a special someone just a flavour text or does it have a purpose like lock us into romance? or does the demon want to use that information against us?


It doesn't lock you into any romance, but does provide a romance point (or romance flag) to that particular character behind the scenes! However, you get one of these every time you flirt with a character, so it's not too crazy in the grand scheme of things - just another way to net extra points! The demon does ask because it wants to use that information, but ultimately doesn't end up doing so!


Okay but I can just appreciate riels reaction if Mc tried to give him money? “You’re giving ME money?!” I’d accidentally press the gift button and that the only thing I had!


He's absolutely mortified that you feel like you have to give him your hard-earned money, lol! 😂 He still appreciates the thought, though!