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As always, answers are divided into their own sections for anyone who wants to skip some: general questions are on top, heavy spoilers are in the middle, and NSFW questions are on the bottom! Thanks as always for participating! ❤



Anonymous:  I'm curious as to how Red, Ayla, and the random Healers in Ashtown managed to learn Translocation/Wind/Healing magic. It's stated that MC doesn't know any niche spells because most of this knowledge was lost, but I assume a Circle-trained or Apprentice!MC would've studied the same (or similar) things as Red or Ayla, respectively.

The spells that Ayla and the Healers know are less learned spells and more innate magic. Ayla's Wind magic is more like airbending (if you've ever seen Avatar: The Last Airbender) and her master, Belnus Farplane, taught her to hone and control her powers, but not how to cast specific spells except the basic ones (the same would go for MC). Healers, too, usually innately know how to heal themselves, because they are familiar with their bodies and how things should feel or work; the hard part comes with knowing how to heal others without really screwing them up, along with doing the much-harder procedures, like saving people from the brink of death. The Healers in Ashtown practice some healing magic that is largely cobbled-together, partially-innate, and carefully-monitored by the Autarchy, who allowed them some access to certain texts if they're licensed Healers; however, a large part of what they practice is also non-magical and more basic medicine and anatomy, consisting of things like mixing medicines, potions, pain-killers, and the like. I hope that makes sense!

Red learned translocation by dint of seeking out forbidden texts in that area specifically and in his capacity of being Archmage, which MC didn't do when they were at the Circle!



Anonymous: I haven’t tried, but is it possible to kill a faceless lord of your strength stat is high enough? I love the idea of punching blaphemel into the Shadow Realm.

Haha! Unfortunately strength alone is not enough to kill a Faceless Lord--otherwise someone like Blade or Trouble could do it on their own! Punching Blaphemel is like punching a shark in the face; it totally throws the shark off, but it's not going to kill it! You can whittle down the Faceless Lord's health using strength and weaponry, but in the end you're also going to need a high enough magic stat to get rid of it once and for all rather than just sending it back to Hael temporarily!

corlyo: Please ma'am spare some Halek, can I ask for some info on his (potential) romance route? Got to know who i'm rooting for in the coming poll!

Honestly, I haven't thought too much about what Halek's romance route would look like because I didn't intend for him to be an RO and I don't really think of these things until they become a reality (i.e. he wins the poll)! 😅

The only thing I know for sure is that his romance route would be filled with angst because, well, he's engaged, and even though he doesn't love his betrothed (far from it), turning his back on that engagement means betraying his family, his village, and everything he's ever known! So it's more complicated than "well you don't even like her so just break up with her." It's like: "if you love me, you'll have to abandon the duties you've trained your whole life to take over and turn your back on traditions that everyone you know (your mom, your dad, your brother, all your friends, teachers, relatives, and neighbors) holds dear... are you willing to take that leap for someone who might leave you down the road, anyway?" It's a HUGE leap of faith to take, so I figure the relationship must be intense and passionate enough for Halek to even consider it, not just a flirtatious crush!

Also, there are some things to contend with when entering a romantic relationship with him. Because MC isn't a pure-blooded Hunter, Halek will never have Hunter children. Is that something he cares about personally? Not necessarily, but it's a huge change from growing up and believing his whole life he was duty-bound to continue his sacred blood line. What about his lifespan? Hunters live, on average, much shorter lifespans than other races, from about 45-60... so everything is on a different timeline for them... so that will be something Halek and MC have to confront, too!

I had the stray thought the other day that, at the end of a romance path with MC, Halek would have been torn and in conflict and essentially tormented and in turmoil and guilty for the entire length of their relationship... then he gives in to his passions and desires and finally allows himself to fall for MC... but they both know he's still engaged to Moonsilk, and the guilt tears them apart!

So one day, Halek has had enough. MC wakes up to find him gone! Vanished, without a word. At first they think he's on a mission, but then they ask around and they find out...

He's gone back to the Reach...

So. He's made his decision. MC's faced with a choice: let him go, or go after him and try to convince him to change his mind.

But the fact that he left them stings. He's clearly made his choice. They're riddled with doubt and pain...


...Either way they choose, it turns out Halek went back home to break up the engagement, denounce the arranged marriage, and cast off his mantle so he can be with them free and clear and just him. He didn't tell them because he just wanted to get it over with and come back to them before they could feel bad about making him give up his position and try to talk him out of it... that obviously backfired, but that's what he went for, lol!

That's all I really know about his romance route, so I help that helps! 🤣



Anonymous: Can we get the sex meme for Blade that was done for Croelle last month?

Full disclosure: this was already in the #nsfw channel on Discord, but I cleaned it up and elaborated on it some!

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) Relaxed and cuddly—all he wants to do is spoon and talk! He’ll be a bit annoyed and grouchy if he has to do anything else after, lol, unless it happens to be morning sex right before work!

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He doesn’t think much about his body except in practical terms (like where his physical weaknesses are). That said, he knows his arms and abs are... very strong. For MC, he loves the MC's smile, eyes, cheeks, hair, and general face!!!

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) He likes the thought of cumming on MC's thighs or ass if she’s into it—also, the sight of her licking it drives him pretty wild!

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He fantasizes about teasing MC/her sitting on his lap when he should be working/sex on his desk more frequently than he'd like and kind of hates how distracted he gets

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) Not experienced AT ALL (no sexual experience outside of romanced!MC) but he learns VERY fast. He learned about certain techniques in class, but it's all theoretical until he and MC actually hook up...

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) Making love to MC while she’s on her back because he loves loving on her breasts/nipples/biting her neck lightly while he fucks her

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) Pretty serious and intense, especially if he’s feeling horny/passionate, but there are times when he’s amusedly teasing the MC and having fun with it

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Well-groomed, lightly-trimmed and matching

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  Extremely intimate, intensely passionate, and romantic—he savors every touch, even if it’s not sexual

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) He’s often too busy and only does it out of biological necessity every once in a while to avoid inconveniences, but the frequency does increase (to his shame) once F!MC on a romance route joins the Order haha??....

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Having sex in a place/situation where he and MC have to be quiet and stifle their moans or they’ll get caught. Also—light edging/denying orgasm play

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Honestly, his bedroom… it’s where he feels most secure and like an enemy isn’t going to burst in and interrupt at any moment. Too bad that didn't stop Caine from knocking that one time

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) MC doing something as minor as bending over slowly at work or wearing a thong/nothing at all and sneakily letting him know gets him going like let’s go as he grabs her hand and drags her into a closet

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Hurt/choking, degradation, things involving other bodily fluids...

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) He tends to slightly prefer giving more than receiving (and is great at it once he gets some practice in), but that doesn’t mean MC can’t make his brain short-circuit by teasing/licking him the right way

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Usually more sensual and intense—like he’s savoring it—but towards the end he gets more fast and erratic the closer he comes to climax

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) He prefers proper sex but is rarely able to resist if MC is down for a quickie

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) He's more risk-adverse, but because he’s putty in MC’s hands he can also be led into a lot lol

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) Can be longer than average duration (though it depends on how much he’s been teased or how long it’s been since they’ve last had sex); can go multiple rounds in a night if MC's in the mood, sometimes even right away! (Ket refractory periods are no joke)

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) Doesn’t use toys, prefers experiencing everything through physical touch!

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Extremely unfair. It gets him hot to tease MC and make her whimper and beg. He’s not good at getting teased though because he gets super impatient and isn't very meek about taking it lol

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) Average volume I would think, he does groan and gasp and murmur encouragements during sex, especially when he first starts having it, but he doesn't outright yell and isn't slamming headboards around or anything!

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) He briefly believed gods exist because he got hard randomly when MC bent over to pick up something in front of him, but he was sitting behind a desk at the time so he thought providence had been delivered

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) thicc juicy package, very kissable

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Fairly high once he's deep in a relationship with MC, his ideal pace is every few days or every other day, but he doesn’t mind either way and is content to do it once a week or so or longer as well

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Maybe an hour after? The thing is, he can go several rounds before being totally knock-out satiated, so he doesn’t usually fall asleep afterward lol he’s just recuperating. He prefers to cuddle in the aftermath!

Grim: 👀 hey, hey, Lena. Can I request the next few letters for Croelle??

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) He is not goofy at all, he's extremely intense, serious, and passionate!

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Fairly well-groomed, he doesn't often trim but he doesn't have that much hair down there anyway; and yes the carpet matches the drapes!

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  He's... intimate but not affectionate? There's something quietly vulnerable in having sex with him, because you know he would never do it with anyone else, and there's a sense of his walls coming down and seeing a passionate side to him that no one else sees... so that's intimate. But he's not romantic like whispering sweet nothings into your ears and talking about how much he loves you, if that makes any sense!

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) He has a high sex drive and will masturbate every day if he can't have sex with MC!

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Spanking, orgasm denial, and bondage would definitely be up there in things he's into. He'd LOVE tying MC up and having them helpless to his whims and mercies... he'd also be into spanking them to punish them and teasing them to the point of orgasm and making them beg and even cry out for him as a method of 'discipline'!

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Pretty much anywhere where he won't get walked in on, he is perfectly happy doing it in a bedroom or a remote cave or anywhere in between!

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Arguing with MC gfdkjgfd or doing something high-adrenaline like being in a battle/fighting MC (training practice or otherwise). Seeing a powerful MC fight would be like "goddamn it get upstairs"

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) He would absolutely not ever be submissive, for reasons I think are made clear in his background story. I think he would reluctantly go along with light roleplay but would not be tied up and would definitely never do like a master/slave dynamic!

How would the ROs react to MC who was very frequently horny?

Would love it and would match MC's horniness:





Bls,,, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and spongy, at least give me a day in between to rest!!





Fam this is too much... I'm going to die...




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