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dizzy-tx: Obviously I love all your characters. Every one of them. ❤️ I know each one has a backstory, each one has their traumas, each one has their heartbreak... Including Croelle and Halek, which one of your characters do you think has the most anguishing story to tell? How did you come up with everyone's story to begin with? They are all so wonderfully different and separate from one another, yet they mesh perfectly. 😭 I love them so much.  

Answer: Ahhh this is such a lovely comment, I want to print it out and tape it to my corkboard! Thank you so much, dizzy!!! ❤ Your enthusiasm and love for the story really motivates me to keep writing, so thank you!

As for who has the most anguishing story: this is tough because I think everyone has really deep-seated (or not so deep-seated) traumas and hurts in their past that govern their behaviors. I think Croelle has the objectively "worst" background of the characters, having known almost no love or joy in his life, no friends or family, period--but aside from making him act like a feral, callous, casual killer, I don't actually think this background affects him emotionally in the way that you might expect? In other words, he doesn't feel sad about it, he doesn't dwell on it. He doesn't really anguish over it, although it is pretty awful!

I think the person who has had the hardest life up until now--and whose behavior is, to this day, deeply affected by that life--would probably be either Ayla or Tallys. Maybe Tallys has the most anguishing story, actually: Ayla lost her parents when she was a baby, so the harshness of her life has always been her status quo; but Tallys was happy and safe with her clan for hundreds of years, only to have them ripped away from her in the most brutal fashion... and the hatred, resentment, fear, and anger that came from that continues to steer her in very painful ways...

I also think MC has a very hard and painful history, because they were (partially, indirectly) somewhat responsible for the disappearance of their own community! That depends on how you play them as well, though!

As for how I came up with everyone's story... it came to me piecemeal over time! For example, Trouble was always a victim of the Equalists--it was interesting to me to conceive of a character who was 'gifted' supernatural powers but who had no idea what effect they had on his body or lifespan whenever he used them--but that aspect of his past does not really shape him as deeply as, say, Tallys' traumas have shaped her. The rest came to me in fragments over many years! (What did he do after the Equalists? Where are his parents before his capture?) I hope that makes sense!

Anonymous: What would the MC's biological parents think of the ROs?

Answer: Nice try, I see you trying to weasel some information about MC's biological parents out of me! I'm going to keep this very vague because it's a very hard question to answer, but generally:

MC's biological parents would approve of:

Blade, Halek, Red, Briony, and Lavinet as matches for them

MC's biological parents would (probably) not approve of:

Shery, Trouble, Tallys, Ayla, and DEFINITELY not Croelle

Somewhere in the middle:

Chase (leaning towards negative impression)

Riel (leaning towards positive impression)



Anonymous: How would the ROs react to an MC who is quiet and hard to make moan in bed? 

Blade: he'd be just a little thrown off and unconfident about this, because he is a virgin and sexually-inexperienced, so he wouldn't know if he was failing to please MC or not... after some time, though, he'd learn to pick up from other cues and wouldn't mind it as much!

Trouble: he wouldn't really think of it either way: little gasps and heavy breathing are just as good to him!

Tallys: this would deeply dissatisfy her and she would make it her goal to make MC moan and scream!

Shery: she'd be a little self-conscious about it but would be ultimately okay with it, because she's pretty quiet in bed herself!

Riel: he'd sort of prefer it this way, because sometimes he finds a lot of groaning and caterwauling distracting--so he wouldn't think too much of it!

Chase: he wouldn't be crazy about this, but it wouldn't exactly bother him, either: he knows MC is having a good time, so he doesn't need moans so long as they vocalize it to him in other ways (like afterwards)!

Red: he'd have a frank discussion about it to MC after the first few times to sort of check in and make sure he was doing things right, but after that he'd accept it and be fine with it!

Briony: she would take this as a challenge and tell MC she's going to make them moan... and would take a great deal of satisfaction if she ever accomplished this! If she didn't, though, this would hurt her confidence and she would sort of worry and fret about it and might even bring it up to her friends (keeping things anonymous, of course) to see if it was something normal?

Ayla: she'd be a bit frustrated by MC's silence and would ask them straight up if she's doing anything wrong or if they're not into it. Her way of asking might spark an argument, and afterwards she'd wish MC would be a bit more vocal, but she'd learn to live with it!

Lavinet: she doesn't particularly care if MC is vocal or not in bed, so long as they're both having a good time!

For Grim: 

Croelle's Sex Meme:

 A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) He's not really one to cuddle and lounge around in bed, and actually such a thing might make him sort of uncomfortable (he's suspicious of anything that 'lulls' him): he'd probably start immediately put his clothes on or get out of bed and head to the shower. He'd definitely smirk knowingly at MC for hours after whenever he caught their eye, though!

 B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) I don't think he thinks of his body in any particular way outside of survival... (but he probably knows, in some vague sense, that his butt and abs are great). I think his favorite part about MC would be their neck or their thighs! The vulnerable, secret parts...

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) He loves coating MC in it

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He gets off on biting MC (sometimes lightly and gently, other times not so much) and leaving his mark all over them

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) He has never been intimate with another person but is a very instinctual creature; he picks up fast

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) Probably against a wall, standing up and pinning MC against it, or any position in which he's dominant and looking down at their pleasured face! (From behind is okay but not his preference unless things are.... urgent). 


And that's all for this month, folks--thanks for tuning in and sending in your questions as always! See you in the new year! ❤



Sorry it took me a few days, but thanks for the answers, Lena! Just six more reasons to 👀at Croelle.