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ShoH Update and Poll (November #3)

  • Tristesse Tavadon 6
  • Nyssa Tavadon 17
  • Oleandra Tavadon 18
  • Drustilla Tavadon 0
  • Something else (write below) 0
  • 2019-11-20
  • —2019-12-17
  • 41 votes
{'title': 'ShoH Update and Poll (November #3)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tristesse Tavadon', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Nyssa Tavadon', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Oleandra Tavadon', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Drustilla Tavadon', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Something else (write below)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 17, 23, 11, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 20, 23, 14, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 41}


Hi everybody! Thank you for your great feedback on last week's update and poll, it really helped me solidify my resolve to keep moving forward with what we've been doing with the game! ❤ I'm honestly very relieved that the consensus seems to be for a full, single, standalone game--so thank you for standing by me as we work to produce that!

This last week proved as productive as ever for me: I wrote about 12,000 words and finished one route of Chapter 2 [Riel mission, Prihine alive] and got started on Chapter 3! I'll be updating the alpha build today, but big warning: the writing there is very, very rough! I wrote it all in one straight go and was pretty delirious by the end of things, so it's not my best work... very first-draft-y and definitely going to change over time! So proceed at your own caution!

In other news, of course, this week also saw the announcement of the holiday contest, which I'm very excited for! I've been hard at work designing an entire set of Shepherds of Haven bookmarks along with the wonderful artist feather-x-crown: each bookmark will have one ShoH character on the front and a character-specific unique design on the back! For now, the bookmarks will be prizes during the contest and giveaway, but it's been a very exciting journey in creating them!

Taking off for NYC draws near, so I've been trying to cram errands in before then (we never have to get flu vaccines urgently in Phoenix winters, but I'm told that's a very different story for the New York subways...). Of course, nothing will change on the progress of ShoH: I will still be working and writing the same as ever in New York!

Lots of updates are happening in the world of my book and something else I'll talk to you guys about someday soon, but for now, I'll keep mum on that... 🙊

And I've been fitting in very late-night sessions of Pokemon Shield this week as well! I've already blown through the Pokemon League and caught about 160 Pokemon so far! Has anyone else been playing it?

Finally, for this week's poll... let's put a name on Caine's mom, the only other elder Tavadon. She only appears in certain playthroughs, but as some of you may have noticed depending on your choices, she may come to pose a problem for you in the future...

Caine's mother is the exiled daughter and former scion of a great western merchant house: she fell from grace when she fell into the bed of Caine's father, a bodyguard who was originally hired to protect her (in much the same way MC was hired to protect Prihine, though Caine has no idea of this and believes his father was a soldier who died in a civil war). She is soft-limbed and used to being pampered; sleepy and quiet in affect and hard to rouse to emotion; manipulative and cunning and lazy and good at feigning helplessness and innocence... and Caine loves her very much.

What do you think her name should be?



While Nyssa is a nice name I think it's a bit too close to Trouble's friend Nessa. Might cause some confusion.


Good point! I'd actually forgotten about Nessa, lol - great eye!