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Hello! You probably all know the drill by now, but it's already that time again--submitting your questions for the monthly Q&A!

  • NSFW, spoilers, and any other question are allowed; I will answer any question you have about ShoH!
  • If you want to ask a question anonymously, submit it through Tumblr and include the hashtag #tellmeeverything so I know you're a Patron!
  • If you want to ask the question on here, simply comment below!
  • Submit as many questions as you want!

I'll be leaving the question session open for two days this time to give people more time to send in their asks. I will stop accepting questions on Sunday 10/27 at 12 PM MST!

Thank you for your participation and support! <3 Happy Almost Halloween!



Are there any aspects of your characters you wish you hadn't given them? Or wish you could alter but it's too ingrained into their personality to change now?