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Been cranking away at things like a little busy bee! I'm actually at my last law school exam as of the time of this posting; wish me luck!

Unbelievably, I've found a smidgen of time to work on ShoH in the middle of all my apps and texts. I've:

  • Added a newspaper feature to the day off hub. It doesn't take up any "day off" time and is optional, but reading the newspaper will keep you abreast of current events happening around the Autarchy--and you may even be able to use your knowledge to unlock certain conversation topics with characters who will be impressed by your worldliness!
  • Was hit by a bolt of inspiration and worked on the new character who will be replacing Mimir as a recruit. Her name is Briony, she is a Battle-Mage (with some Elvish blood) who lost her memories during a shipwreck, and she will be romanceable. That's all I'll say for now...

Hopefully I'll have the newspaper feature up and running in the next alpha preview update. Like I said, I also work on HTML or learning things when I'm stressed, so I made a stand-in character page based on the game Persona to substitute for the one I showed you guys earlier, if you want to see!

P E R S O N A 

Special features:

  • Click on 'arcana' to find out what arcana represents you!
  • Hover over the character portraits for some special links!

Finally, to give you guys an update on things after this test, which will be the last one I need to take until I begin law school next September, I'd like to disclose what my life is going to look like in the spirit of transparency. 

After this week:

  • Law school exams are done!
  • Law school applications are done! 
  • Work on We Have Always Been Here is done!

From now on, I will be working only on...

  • Shepherds of Haven
  • This Patreon
  • Asks on Tumblr
  • 1 developmental editing job at the end of September (short-term)
  • 1 writing contract (with bi-weekly deadlines for a year)

So the majority of my time moving forward will be devoted to Shepherds of Haven, which I am very, very excited about. I want to thank you guys for your patience as I cleared some of these things permanently off my plate; I really appreciate it! And I want to thank you for your support, because without it, THIS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE! Thanks to your patronage, I can work on ShoH for the next year to my heart's content! Woo-hoo!!! Thank you!!!

That's it for now; see you on the other side! <3



You have been busy. I hope you're doing okay!


I'm doing great now that a lot of the stuff is done with, thank you so much! Your concern is very sweet! ❤

Larry Behrendt

Regardless of what your working on I think its going to be great. That said, is there any chance Apex Preditor will eventually return to the production queue, even if its a year or two away? I really enjoyed the demo and as a huge vampire and role playing game fan in general I majorily loved the concept.


Thank you so much for the kind comment! And yes, Apex Predators will definitely be worked on and published eventually, though how long that will take is up in the air for now. I'm going to focus my energies on one project at a time and see if that's a more efficient way of working through them, but yes, you will see Apex Predators in one form or another--it is definitely not abandoned! Thank you for the question!