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Lavinet's Fiefdom (Poll)

  • Astor (Lavinet, Lady of Astor) 11
  • Lockwood (Lavinet, Lady of Lockwood) 18
  • Wyndham (Lavinet, Lady of Wyndham) 7
  • Clere (Lavinet, Lady of Clere) 9
  • Thornwall (Lavinet, Lady of Thornwall) 8
  • Something else (write below) 0
  • 2019-09-03
  • 53 votes
{'title': "Lavinet's Fiefdom (Poll)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Astor (Lavinet, Lady of Astor)', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Lockwood (Lavinet, Lady of Lockwood)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Wyndham (Lavinet, Lady of Wyndham)', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Clere (Lavinet, Lady of Clere)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Thornwall (Lavinet, Lady of Thornwall)', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Something else (write below)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 9, 3, 8, 14, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 53}


As I'm sure you know, Lavinet is the ruler of her own fiefdom, Falkirk. 

However, I hate the name Falkirk. With a passion. I came up with it when it didn't have anything to do with Lavinet (before she was a character in the game, it was going to be a farming town that another female character, Wintry, was going to be encountered in, instead), but I hate calling her "the Lady of Falkirk." 

(It's a place in Scotland that I remembered seeing the name of while studying there and it just stuck for whatever reason.)

So: I'm opening it up to a poll! What do you think the name of Lavinet's fiefdom should be? I'm thinking something more elegant...

(If you want to know more about how fiefdoms operate, read below the cut for part of the codex document on it. There's more about how Holding-Rulers play a part in the Sun Court and Consortium, but I'll leave that for the game!)


Codex Excerpt:

The lowest level of nobility in the Autarchy consists of LORDS, LADIES, and SUZERAINS. 

LORDS, LADIES, and SUZERAINS rule FIEFDOMS, which are parcels of land (small or big) inhabited by VASSALS, or citizens. The territory of Courtshore, for example, is currently a FIEFDOM ruled by a LADY, and the territory of Falkirk is a FIEFDOM ruled by a SUZERAIN. 

While LORDS, LADIES, and SUZERAINS rule and manage the day-to-day affairs of their individual FIEFDOM—their finances, trade, military, resources, and needs of the people—they are ultimately beholden to their greater HOLDING-RULERS, belonging to a collection of fiefdoms called a HOLDING. The fiefdoms of Brunen, Orlop, Strindmor, and Kinley, for example, belong to a larger holding called Westhold, which is ruled by the Duke of Kinley. The Continent is divided into many little fiefdoms, which are all also parceled together into many different holdings. 

LORDS, LADIES, and SUZERAINS swear fealty to their HOLDING-RULER, and a small portion of their fiefdom's earnings goes to the HOLDING-RULER at the end of the year. LORDS, LADIES, and SUZERAINS are also sworn to provide military aid to their HOLDING-RULER whenever it is needed, and complicated trade agreements exist between fiefdoms in the same holding as well as between the holdings themselves. 

The title of a HOLDING-RULER varies depending on how many FIEFDOMS are under their control. The ranks generally go as follows:

Duke/Duchess/Coronet - 30 or more fiefdoms

Margrave/Margravine/March - 20 or more fiefdoms that are considered border territories or important points of strategy in war or trade

Marquis/Marquess/Marq - 20 or more fiefdoms

Count/Countess/Counte - 15 or more fiefdoms

Viscount/Viscountess/Viscounte - 10 or more fiefdoms

Baron/Baroness/Baroni - less than 10 fiefdoms 

(to be continued...)


So: what do you think Lavinet's fiefdom should be called?


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