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Hi everyone, short update for this week!

I finally got a lot of things off my plate that had been holding me back from working on ShoH: I repaired my laptop keyboard, which was lacking an "R" key, meaning I had to either type on my phone or type "without knowing how to wite pwopewly"; I rewrote and edited a large chunk of We Have Always Been Here and sent it off to be picked apart in agent hell again, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders; and I did a lot of other little things that had been sort of looming over me, like helping my sister move to college and planning my best friend's bridal shower (there are so many things to plan for a wedding)!

All this to say I finally got a breath to write lots of ShoH, and I'm very excited to share it with you all soon! You may have probably already deduced that I write out of order, so while I had had some scenes done for Chase and Riel's routes, I finally got a spurt where I just wrote 5,000 words of the scene where Chase is actually introduced to the MC--and I'm very proud of it! It's rare that writing just flows out of you without interruption, and then you're happy with the quality of the work, so I'm excited about this scene! He comes off as very charming and guilelessly stupid and a little bit dangerous, which is exactly how I wanted it!

I'm also incorporating a lot of thieves' cant into the scenes with Chase and his buddies in the Thieves' Guild. Do you know about it? It's a real, historical phenomenon of organized thieves talking to each other in a secret street-slang in order to prevent guards or civilians from catching on to them. It's also called peddlers' french, and there's a good resource for it here:


Since I'm traveling out of town for the wedding this weekend (starting Thursday, actually), I'm going to push back this month's Author Q&A to the 28th again. You can send in questions (anonymous to the ShoH Tumblr, using the hashtag #tellmeeverything, or here) on the 25th, but I won't be posting the answers until the 28th! Thank you everyone for your understanding, and I really can't wait to have more to show you soon! <3


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