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Finally, I've implemented a birthday system for the game, cleaned up some previous day off scenes that I wasn't happy with, and finally made some progress on Chapter 2!

It's not much, but it's something! As you probably know, Chapter 2 is split into two routes--Riel's route and Chase's route--which are drastically different from each other, so work is slow. However, I'm proud of getting any work done it at all, especially since I also just started another professional project that's keeping me busy! 

Can you guess where you've heard the name before? 😛

EDIT 8/14/19 - Also, wait, guys, I'm howling over the sigil I just found for the Thieves Guild...


There's a good explanation for it, but it's just... so funny to me for some reason...



It looks like a king with a wild beard and googly eyes to me lol. I like it! I know where we've heard that name before lol