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The Author Q&A for July starts now! Thank you again everyone for your wonderful support and patronage! <3 

By unlocking this reward, you've unlocked the ability to ask me any question you have about any of my projects--Shepherds of Haven or Apex Predators--whether they be spoilery, NSFW, or otherwise! 

Comment with a question below or anonymously submit a question on Tumblr with the hashtag #tellmeeverything to participate in this Q&A, which will be open from now until 4 PM MST tomorrow. 

I will post a separate post with all of my answers to your questions--with separate sections for NSFW or spoilers if you want to avoid--tomorrow! Thank you for participating! <3



I am so bad at thinking up questions that aren't just "Tell me everything about the plot?" I guess this is probably a spoiler question: Will we definitively find out if say, the One God exists, or if the Old Gods exist?