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Here are your nominations for Next Model Poll #43!

Small selection this time round but some strong contenders from previous polls. Wish I thought to do a halloween themed poll but I like to give more notice for those kind of things so we'll just stick to standard for this month. 

Prelims End Date: Sunday 15 October - 10:00am BST

Finals End Date: Tuesday 17 October - 10:00am BST

Good luck voting!

FYI - Starting next month, we'll start doing one poll per month rather than two. I've been thinking about it for a little while and now seems like an appropriate time to do it. I'd wanted to drop it to one for this month but wanted to make sure I gave you all proper notice first so we'll stick to two and then change in November. Appetite for the polls has dropped slightly in the last few months which is partly the reason, but as i've alluded to over the past couple of months, IRL work has taken up more and more of my time lately so I need to balance things out a bit more. This is more of an "Until further notice" kind of change so i'm leaving the door open to bringing it back up to two polls, it just depends on how things work out. Thank you for your understanding! 🙏


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