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Hey everybody it's Travis (from the podcast)

Sorry it's been a while since a new episode went up!! As you can tell from twitter and instagram and tiktok Awsten has been very busy with all his dumb album stuff whatever he's doing idk. And I've had lots of shit goin on in my personal life too--all positive, nothin bad, just nothing I want to talk about publicly. But still, it has made me very unexpectedly busy! 

But I wanna try to do a solo ep or somethin soon if y'all would like that so please let me know what topic(s) you'd like me to bullshit about, or alternatively any suggestions for longer fanfics I might read over the course of several episodes. 

Anyway I'm gonna go cook dinner now. "Ciao"



you could talk about various things youre excited for/to try this year since the years just started! media (film, music, books), travel plans, bucket list things, food you wanna try or cook, etc. lil slice of life stuff is my fave


maybe we could submit short stories? short enough to read a full one in a single episode?