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Ho ho ho ho! It's the Happiest Holidays time again! Join us and listen to our audio commentary for the Christmas rom-com "Rodeo & Juliet," now streaming on Hulu. There's barely any Christmas in it and I'm not sure any of this counts as romance, but that's how life is sometimes!



Viviana Trujillo

Listening to this while also watching the movie is going to be hilarious! Merry Christmas to both of you!


Merry Christmas you guys!


Gonna show up to the next parx show with a copy of one of my moms books and say I'm supposed to be on the guest list as per this episode


This was great, it was like being on a Skype call with you guys 🥰 also I wanted to watch this stupid movie and none of my friends did, so thank you for giving me the excuse ❤ it was terrible, but I had a good time. Love you both, Merry Christmas!!


My grandparents were complete shit too. My mom’s parents were abusive towards her (and CLEARLY favored her sister). When they died, they gave pretty much everything to my aunt and cousins, including the house, even though my cousin turned it into a crack den. My dad’s parents also didn’t like my mom or us the grandkids. Never bothered to get to know us, we saw them once every three or four years.


i love watching movies with y’all🤍 i would love to do this again, even not christmas movie! happy 2022🥳