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  • BocchitheRock-timelapse-example.mp4
  • DemonSlayer_Timelapse-example.mp4
  • Evangelion-timelapse-example.mp4
  • ToLoveRU_Timelapse-example.mp4
  • HoshiNoKirby-timelapse-example.mp4
  • Tomo-chan_Timelapse-example.mp4
  • _Onimai_timelapse-example.mp4



It's been a hot minute since I last posted these up on my page here, hasn't it? I'd make a couple edits, think to myself, "do one more and I'll post them onto patreon." End up not doing one more, ultimately forgetting my plan to upload them, and then much later start the process all over again.

Well not anymore!
...or at least not this time.

This bunch also straddles the point where I started using Clip Studio Paint for the bulk of the process instead of my old Photoshop. Reason was that when I got my new laptop, the screen's resolution was not playing nice with my pre-cloud version Photoshop, so it wasn't exactly easy to use. Now with clip studio, I can easily record timelapses of my process. Some things I still do use photoshop for, like the adding jpeg artifacts and the convenience of the clone brush and spot healing brush.

I still export the files into .psd files for those that still want them, I also added a few .clip files, ones that didn't exceed the file limit for patreon... There's also .mp4 files for the timelapses too!




Not gonna lie, patreon's new image layout is kinda just like, absolutely horseshit.


I love your edits, thanks for putting these together!


Still love that Gundam edit.