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Alright, lets shake off those cobwebs and get back into the groove of things, shall we? Since this is somewhat of a "rebirth" of the weekly sketch polls, I think it's fitting to have the theme this month to be Pregnancy! Since I'm currently obsessing over the new Pokémon game, I wanted the choices this week to feature these Meiji era cuties! (For non-Pokémon fans, don't worry, the other weeks will feature other bishoujos!)

Remember, you can vote for however many you want, but this poll is only open for one day so make sure you cast your votes as soon as you can!

Poll will close on 2/8/2022 at 6:00 PM CST


Kaede Akamatsu

I propose that we have a perfect tie for every slot, so he has to draw every one of them.


Hehe Rebirth


Is there any chance that whoever wins also gets a boost of alphaness as well?