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Miko, a young woman somewhat sick of the hustle and bustle of the big city moves out to a small coastal town from where her parents were born. Her ailing grandfather still runs the local shrine that has been in their family for generations. While attending the local college, Miko ends up staying with her grandparent and takes it upon herself to help run the old shrine as a shrine maiden when she can outside of class. The shrine isn't quite like it used to be, few people visit it anymore, and rumors spread it may get torn down.
Distraught with doubts of the future, Miko makes a chance encounter with the local kami of the shrine, Umigame. weak and small from lack of devotion, she asks Miko for help in reconnecting with the mortal world like the shrine maidens of old. Knowing to have a kami help bring in more influence to the shrine would ensure it's future, Miko enters a pact with the little turtle kami.
Little did Miko know that it was through her womb that her spiritual power would reside in, slowly swelling out her stomach. Now not only does she have to go to school and perform rites for the shrine, but now she has to do it with the challenges a young mother-to-be would face. But with the incubating spirits within her give her the ability to perform rites to bestow blessings of fertility on people and places. Miko sure has her hands (and belly) full.

Sometimes I come up with story ideas that go no where, but from time to time I come up with fun ideas I think would be really neat to share with you all. Plus I thought having an OC that I can play with specifically for pregnant belly stuff would be beneficial. So while this is a completely separate story set apart from my other OCs Takane and Ayako, I'm sure they can meet up in the greater Rippoverse lol anyways a little more in-depth info on these two here.

Miko 実子 (meaning Fruit Child)

A beautiful woman in her early 20s. She's always been rather voluptuous, a trait that seemingly has run in her family. Responsible by nature, she feels duty bound to help those in need. Her straight laced attitude can be at odds with her kami counterpart. With her growing spirit energy with in her, her body believes it's actually pregnant and displays many of the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy. Her spirit filled womb seems to grow faster when she is near those that have a wish for a blessing of fertility. When she performs her rite, her belly shrinks down, how much so depends on how much spirit energy is needed to fulfill the wish. There is no real limit to how big her belly can grow, which can be a problem for Miko.

Umigame 海亀 (literally Sea Turtle)

The resident kami of Miko's family shrine, Umigame is a divine sea turtle spirit of fertility. She normally appears as a small child due to have weakened over time. Her true form is that of a buxom motherly figure. Deep down she means well, but like most deities, she can be a bit mischievous. Just don't mention that turtles aren't really known to be fertile creatures, as she'll get mad at you! Long ago she formed pacts with many shrine maidens like Miko. She derives her power from those that believe in her.

That's the basic gist of my idea, I'm sure some things will change in the future, but that tends to happen.




"Slice-of-new-life"? Awesome concept!!!!!!!!!!!!!