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You know, it must be hard to do any sort of activities when your belly extends further than your reach and your tits are practically cushioning your chin. Still it looks like Kagero has managed to make it work, she even got a nice pillow for her belly swell. To be that fertile, Kagero must be truly blessed, and should be protected at all costs like the sacred treasure she is!

For you non-weeaboos, the rope around her belly here is a Shimenawa, a traditional rope used in Shintoism. They usually mark a space that is sacred or ritually pure. When bound around an object (usually a tree, or a rock) it is said that kami, or spirits, reside within. the folded paper streamers that hang from many of them, called shide, represent lighting, a symbol of fertility.

And that is as they say, is that.




I love this! She's so pretty and the dialogue is wonderful. The sacred rope around her baby belly is a delight!