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Round one's votes have been tallied up and accounted for, and the results are as follows:

  • Palutena: 53 
  • Pyra: 67
  • Byleth: 36 
  • Zelda: 63

Pyra won the popular vote as well as the bonus twitter poll, making the growth stats as 

  • Palutena: +2' 
  • Pyra: +5' 
  • Byleth: +1' 
  • Zelda: +2'

Looks like I forgot to mention to the contestants that they're clothes don't get to grow with them... Well, I guess they'll just have to get used to being naked quick, as I don't think their swimsuits will be able to handle much more growth (especially in Pyra's case). As now we enter into Round 2 of the Great Growing Goddess Game!

The rules for this round are much like the first, but the stakes have been raised! For every 15 votes a goddess receives, she will grow about 1 foot taller (or about 30cm in metric)! And, in a weird twist of fate, the one with the fewest votes will receive a bonus growth of over 5 feet to even the odds! 

Much like in the previous round, all tiers will get to vote! Since goddesses tend to love offerings, the higher tier you're in, the more times you get to vote! So those in the Base tier will get one chance to vote, Large tier will get two chances, Huge tier will get three, and Super Size tier will get four!

Like before, there is also going to be a twitter poll that will add an extra bonus growth to its winner! So even those that don't have money to give can still have fun with this game too, if to a slight lesser extent...

So what will it be, will Pyra continue her impressive growth? Will Palutena and Zelda have more than just doorways to worry about in the future? Or will Byleth escape the realm of mortal sizes and surpass them all? It's all up to you!

...what's Min Min doing standing there? I guess she just wanted to see what they were doing.



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