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Hello and welcome to the first ever Great Growing Goddess Game, a contest to see just who is the best goddess there is! And what better way to show how great a goddess is, is by how giant and voluptuous she is! And is it not the people who worship them that give a god their powers? So that's where you guys come in. To show your devotion you will vote which one you want to see grow! 

The more votes a contestant gets, the bigger she will grow! For every 25 votes she receives, she will grow about 1 foot taller (or about 30cm in metric)! And the ultimate winner with the most votes will grow an additional 2 feet more! 

Since I feel everyone should have a chance to participate, all tiers will get to vote! Since goddesses tend to love offerings, the higher tier you're in, the more times you get to vote! So those in the Base tier will get one chance to vote, Large tier will get two chances, Huge tier will get three, and Super Size tier will get four!

As an added bonus, there is also going to be a twitter poll that will add an extra bonus growth to its winner! So even those that don't have money to give can still have fun with this game too, if to a slight lesser extent...

Now with the conditions of this game laid out, let's go over who the four lovely contestants are!

Resident of Angel Land, Palutena is a bona fide Goddess, so she's not totally green when it comes to having worshipers (her hair is green though...) Though it has been quite some time now since she's appeared in her own game so perhaps she sees this contest as a means to shore up her godly splendor?

From the wold of Alrest comes the voluptuous deus ex machina, Pyra (or known by her Japanese name; Homura). While not necessarily a goddess, her role in her story can be hearkened to the divine. Or maybe Rex just likes big girls and she wants to grow just for him?

From the continent of Fodlan, this seemingly normal woman houses the spirit of a celestial power within herself (which she apparently can be found talking to it when she thinks no one can hear her?) Will this contest be a way for her to grow into the divine being that destiny seems to have placed on her, or do you suppose she just wants to grow stronger so that she can protect her students?

And Zelda, our final contestant is the royal princess of Hyrule, a dynasty said to descend from the Goddess Hylia herself. No one really knows how big this goddess was in life, but some of the statues of her are quite large indeed. Perhaps this plucky princess wants to put those icons to shame?

And that rounds out our contestants, and now it's up to fate to decide where this game takes us. May the best Goddess grow giant!



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