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I'm sure you've seen on my twitter how I post sketches that I do at work on those colorful little cards? Well, that little practice has turned two years old now! So, much like I did last year, I wanted to draw something commemorating the occasion! So here I am again, scanning in this wonderful celebration of the year, and giving my two cents on each part.
So going from left to right, let's start off with Haruhi!

Which sequence to choose to represent blue was a tough decision, but I ultimately decided to go with The Fertility of Haruhi Suzumiya (sorry Mayaka...) Representing my love for big pregnant bellies, this one was never planned to be a sequence at all! comments I received on the Ryoko pregnant sketch I did made me think about how Haruhi would react and thought it would be funny if she too were pregnant, and it escalated from there. I had some questions about the ending, but my idea was basically Haruhi altered reality to the point that she would always have the most babies in her womb, therefore she would never be jealous of not being the most fertile or something lol

Next up is Bulma!

There were plenty of great purple card sequences this year, Purah and Sheena come to mind, (why do I keep doing giantess stuff on purple I wonder...) but when Bulma came around, there was no other choice! I came at this sequence a little different than I usually do, doing every other day's sketch coming back to Bulma's transformation into a giantess. Mostly for the same reason I did the P5 Boob stuff back in 2019 back to back, but going every other so I don't bore people with it, and I thought since this one's story was more instant growth rather than my usual gradual growth over time, having it take less time between updates would make it feel more in the moment you know? I really experimented a lot with this sequence, and was rewarded with overwhelming popularity for Bulma's growing body. I even did an epilogue due to people's love for giant Bulma. For this sketch specifically I want to point out that Bulma is actually stretching across all seven cards, with her ass cheek looming behind Mio and her sock covered leg coming up behind Usagi and Erika. I also gave her the short haired look because I think it's a really underrated look.

Hilda is up next!

This is probably my more unique series I've done, not for thinking outside of the box, but for how it's really the only super-lewd non-fetishy series I've ever done. Originally started because I couldn't decide if I wanted to draw Hilda fucking Marianne or Edelgard, and just settling on doing both, and as how many of my ideas go, they just kept going. This series is still on going, as I've ended up expanding the scope to her having hetero sex too! Not sure if I'll bother having her sex up all the guys, since I prefer drawing girls100% of the time lol with this series I've noticed it gets a lot fewer comments than others that receive similar number of likes. lol There a lot of good sketches in this series, but I probably like the one with Bernadetta.

Coming up is none other than the great Mio Akiyama herself!

I couldn't very well leave Mio out of this, this time having her appear on the red card, much like the original sketch that started this all! I tend to play around with Mio a lot with these sketches, making her ass plump, or giving her some giant tits, but once in a while I love to draw her all muscly. Sure it's probably not very in character for her to bulk up like this, but I find it incredibly hot. Don't judge me... Muscle girls is probably my favorite thing to draw that I seem to have very little of an audience for... lol

Anyways, up next is Min Min!

There really wasn't anyone else I could have picked for orange. Min Min with explosively huge tits is by far my more favorited post I've ever had on Twitter, acquiring over 11k likes! With Min Min being in the zeitgeist at the time, and this sketch being one of the first sketches that I had parts popping out of the frame (This one being the first), its popularity  really skyrocketed beyond my expectations! Hopefully one day I will rise even higher!

Up next is Usagi!

While I really wanted to have Mai in this, I really couldn't leave out my Sailor Moon sequence! My initial idea was to have this series go through the main senshi, Sailor Moon gets bigger, then go through the outer senshi, and finish off with Sailor Moon even bigger yet. Then, with fan input, this series really expanded its scope, quite literally! For this sketch here though, I went with Sailor Moon's civilian identity for something a little different, but having a thicc body much like the first image in the series. Probably because each time I add a new image to the thread, That first post always seems to gain like 100 likes more lol The newest post in threads like that always seem to get overshadowed, which is why I don't really like to do threads like it. Which is why I now link the previous post of a sequence under the new part so I can have my cake and eat it too. Though I guess I really should make more of those twittteer moments for finished sequences huh? 

Last up is Erika!

This series is probably the oldest of the bunch, actually starting last December. I actually got the idea of this one from another artist drawing the more recent water gym leader fattening up the newest grass gym leader. While I'm not into fat dudes, I loved the concept of the water (gym leader) helping the grass (gym leader) grow big and healthy. So I thought to myself, "is there a pair that would be just girls?" Which turned out to be the OG Misty and Erika! Though the part of Misty starting to gain weight too was entirely my own idea. I just really wanted to draw a fat Misty! I love the ending I did with Sabrina, perhaps one day we will see what happens with her back in the mix? I guess only time will tell.


And there you have it, a long winded look into some of my thoughts on the whole thing. Like it's both crazy to think it's been two years, and yet feels like I've been doing them forever too. Here's to hoping I can continue to fill out these colorful little cards for years to come. Thank you guys for supporting me, not just here, but on twitter and elsewhere too! You guys are the best!




It's a shame to hear you seem like you don't have an auidence for your muscle sketches. Personally I love your muscle fetish stuff to bits, you tend to strike the perfect blend between big bulky muscles while still allowing the girls to appear feminine and cute. A particular favourite of mine was the sequence where Ritsu bulked out and had Mio fawning over her. I think the most ambitious one you did this year though was the Sailor Moon sequence, there was several points where I thought you reached the end but then you just kept going. Good stuff!


Congratulations! I hope you're proud of all that you've achieved. I'm glad to hear Mai was at least considered for this, personally I think her sequence was the most marvellous content you put out this year, so it was a shame not to see her at the party. Best of luck in future!

James Dougell

I for one love the muscle stuff you do too, its fantastic! Its all great though, wonderful job of another great year!


I was for a brief moment thinking about having two characters on the card, since it was two years now, but I quickly found there was no way I could have such large ladies share a card together... Still I love my Mai sequence to death and can't wait to finish up the epilogue story!


I guess I shouldn't compare my various fetishes against each other, they all fill their own niches!


I have thought of doing a sequel story to that Muscle Ritsu series. Perhaps involving a certain big eyebrow girl...