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Our last poll for September ended in a tie! Though, I kinda orchestrated that it would lol (did you know poll creators can vote in their own polls on here?) I also didn't bother to combine the two images for the preview because I was too lazy to deal with their differing aspect ratio. Kinda fitting for the theme no?

Anyways lets take a look at the first winner, Hilda Valentine Goneril!

Hilda is notorious for being a lazy girl, but she's always willing help out Marianne whenever possible. No wonder she's so smitten for her. Let's let her nap a little longer shall we?

our second winner this week was Tomo Yamanobe!

Tomo doesn't understand the concept of personal space. Just because her best friend Mafuyu recently joined the ranks of big tits, doesn't mean she can use her milkers as makeshift pillows! Why can't she use her own? Mafuyu would like to get up at some point Tomo!

And that rounds out the Lazy month of September! I hope this theme was fun if not a little unorthodox. Since I'm already a bit late on finishing these, and being overall late on doing the colored winners, the winnners poll for this month will go up next weekend. You can look forward to October's weekly poll in the mean time!



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