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This once lithe girl has fallen under the spell of her surogate older brother's home cooking, and she's really started to put on the pounds! Thighs once svelte, now quake with each step. An ass once scrawny now threatens to tear her shorts in two with it's girth. No matter which way you look at it, Futaba has gotten THICC! Joker better make an extra batch of his incredibly fattening curry if he wants there to be enough for later!

I did buy a new sketch book for this month's sketches, but apparently I can't read and the texture of the paper is pretty rough and is great for smudging (great if I wanted to do that mind). So if you've wondered why the lines seem weird compared to other sketches of mine, that's why. I'll just try and get an actual decent sketch pad for next time...




If I smacked it, how long do you think it would jiggle? 👀