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Our first poll this month ended in a tie between a couple of cuties! This is such a common occurrence, I hardly bat an eye when it happens now. lol As long as it's not a three way tie or worse. lol

First up let's take a look at the girl who after months of showing up, has finally won a poll for once, Fuuka Ayase!

Always worrying about her fat thighs, Fuuka seems to snack a lot. I mean sure, you can have cheat days, but this seems like a lot! Though to resist a good crepe is hard. Perhaps she should just embrace her thicc thighs, there are plenty of people out there that love them doughy legs!

Next up is the floofy haired girl who'd rather people called her Midori,  Sapphire Kawashima!

That's a bold claim for such a small girl, Midori! Why I doubt you could get even half of that cake down before you're too full to eat!


I-I stand corrected! 

And there you have our first winners, I hope that gives you a taste of how this month's theme is gonna be like! I left it fairly open ended to let my imagination have some wiggle room!




so cute!!!! I love the direction you went with these!