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It's hard to strike a balance with picking characters people like and know, but also wanting to explore lesser known characters that need more love. I mean, it would be great if you guys had the exact same anime and video game preferences as me, but that's just not how the world works. 

Remember, you can vote for however many you want, but this poll is only open for one day so make sure you cast your votes as soon as you can!

Poll will close on 4/21/2020 at 4:20 AM CST



Rita in that kitty cat waitress outfit. 👍👍🔥


Insufficient love for Rita. Such a fun character


If you want to draw more obscure characters sometimes, it might be better to alternate between votes with a bunch of popular characters and votes with a bunch of obscure characters. Not really surprised that Mana and Tamako are getting blown out when there's a Nintendo character in the list.


I felt last week's was kinda like that. I guess I fear if I have too many obscure ones people won't vote, making their pledge not worth it... I worry about a lot of things.