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I've been thinking about my monthly polls and how they're feeling like second fiddle to the weekly stuff. To drive up more interest, I'm changing it up a bit. 

Those of the Super Size Tier will be able have their suggestion sketched by me. then those sketches will get voted on in the monthly suggestion poll in order to select which one should get finished. So you can treat it like a monthly sketch commission if you don't care about the viability of it to win a general poll of your peers. Or treat it the same as they were before, try and get your idea to win the monthly poll.

So to sum it up;

Super Size Tier: Their suggestion will be sketched, then they go to the poll to be chosen to get colored.

Large Tier: You guys will have an actual picture to go off of to help you vote.

So for this kind of test run of a month, I limit the number who can become Super Sized to gauge interest and to see if this idea is actually viable or if this idea is more dificult than it sounds in my head. 

If you have any other ideas and critiques on my my dumb plan feel free to make them known. I always enjoy feedback.




Momo in the big post!!!


;-; super size already sold out


not sure what's going on, since I only have 2 active right now, but patreon also says I have five...


sounds pretty awesome to me!

Zero Two

awesome, i got a slot before it sold out!