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It's Galko here to crush your dreams of irl breast expansion with facts, while having her own boobs expanding to taunt us!  Hehehe

I've been told many times that the text on these was too hard to read with the photos I've taken, and now that I have a nice new scanner, I figured Id go back and scan them to help alleviate that problem. Of course if I had just used a different color for these like yellow or something, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, but c'est la vie...

Finally got around to finding these last few sketches to scan now, so from where we left off,  here we go with part 2!

This is the first one on a irregular sized (for my normal sketches) card. This one is smaller than the big sheets I use for the ones after this, so it's kinda like a one of a kind in this sequence. This one isn't really a breast expansion myth, but more of a general breast size myth.

And here we are on the huge sheets of paper, so say hello to Galko-chan's feet! She's supposed to be calling Otako on her phone, not sure if that's easy to tell or not. I spend almost all my effort on the characters, and only do background elements if I can spare the time.

I went at this one like it were the final one, and basically was the finale for a time. So all three would make an appearance here. A fellow twitter user corrected me on one of my earlier ones about soy, so I felt it was probably best to have Galko here kind of set the record straight. So if you think I don't listen to you guys, I make sure and read all your comments! Out of these 7, this one I think turned out the best. Probably because of Galko's butt in all honesty lol. One thing about giant tits on these scales is that I like to try and have the body visible so it doesn't just look like a head resting on two beach balls or something. Otako here is kinda pushing it, but she does still have her feet visible, so it works out.

And after like several months, Galko made her triumphant return! Every once in a while I'd get asked about this series and if it would return or whatever. I had a few more myths I've read about to use so I figured, why not answer their calls? And yes, I'm implying here that Galko's sister, just like in the manga, is even larger than Galko. Will I draw her in this series though? probably not. lol

Before you ask, this is an honest to god breast growth "cream" that people have claimed to work. This sketch I'm not as keen on as others, mostly  for how small I made Otako. Also I'd like to point out that yes, I have been making Galko's ass fatter too. That is deliberate.

This one I decided to go at it differently. One, not have Galko present; and two, focus on the often neglected Ojou! The app she's looking at is supposed to be something like twitter DMs or Discord or whatever. Galko's avatar is just her in sun glasses, while Otako's avatar is supposed to be a giant robot with her glasses on.

So large that her breasts take up two of these huge sheets! With such monumental breasts, how are they able to move around? I don't know lol Her nipple isn't inverted here, but that's because it's been teased out and fits to dialogue here, not because I forgot again or something. 

And with those 7 we're all caught up! You're probably wondering, will there in the future be a "Part 3?" This series isn't really story driven at all, much like the manga it's based on. Pretty much if I hear or read about new breast expansion myths there will always be room for more huge Galko boobs. 




I wish Galko would crush me with her boobs.... bless you for making her bum get fatter, and remembering her inverted nips!!!!


Possibility of Part 3? 👀 Where is that nosebleed emoji when you need one?

James Dougell

If I were to own a Chet-gallery, this would be the Chetsterpiece at the center of it all!