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Also another question, this one on priorities. Since my art doesn't just pop out of thin air, which of my regularly scheduled projects should take priority? Weekly sketches are quick enough that they don't take up much time to matter, but the more finished pieces of stuff like the monthly suggestion winners take up a lot of time. I do put a rather arbitrary 

As I'm not even sure how many pages this will go yet, how do you want me to post these? Go page by page as I finish each one, or package them all together and post them when it's all said and done? Like I don't think there's going to be too many pages, so waiting till the end wouldn't be too long of a wait (maybe?) but I know most web comics I know of update on a page at a time or whatever. What are your guy's thoughts?

Also another question, this one on priorities. Since my art doesn't just pop out of thin air, which of my regularly scheduled projects should take priority? Weekly sketches are quick enough that they don't take up much time to matter, but the more finished pieces of stuff like the monthly suggestion winners take up a lot of time. I do put a rather arbitrary deadline on finishing those drawings, but a deadline all the same, but this comic is specifically a reward for all you guys hitting a monetary goal for me. So I'm confused as to where priorities should lie. Since it's your money, I figured you'd have a preference on how it's kinda spent?

Well if you have any thoughts or questions about all this, feel free to let me know, I just want you guys to be satisfied with how this goes! Also if you have ideas for projects I could do as the next patreon goal, I'm all ears. Will probably have to set it to some ridiculously high number though, just so I have some time to finish this reward. lol




I personally see this comic as a longer term thing. I dont think it would be unreasonable for it to take a long time. I do think it should be released as the pages are done. Regular posts should be a higher priority, I think.


I think releasing a page or two at a time of this comic is fine. Whether it’s short or long it’s still going to be exciting to read. Being that it’s an extra thing though I think priority should fall on the regular posts.