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Maybe I'm just getting old, but I can't believe we're already in October, it still feels like I just started this Patreon stuff only a little while ago! I could ramble on, but nobody bothers to read these anyways, so onward to the suggestions!

Our first suggestion is Magisa's Unforseen Weight Gain! Those that have been with us for a while might recognize this one from polls from earlier this year, though since this is spooky month, perhaps this suggestion fits more now than it did before. Magisa is a witch that can see into the future, but apparently limited for the fact she did no see herself packing on the pounds...

Our second suggestion is Milk Maniac! Did you know the fanart meme of drawing the Hex Maniac trainer class from Pokémon X & Y with huge baps comes from the fact that one Hex Maniac looking NPC somewhere that sells you MooMoo Milk, which someone interpreted as the milk actually coming from her bosom. This suggestion is just Hex Maniac with big full breasts clad in a cow print bikini. Hexes are pretty Halloween-esque don't you think?

Our third suggestion is Mio and Ritsu's Snacktime! This ones was explained to me exactly as "Mio and Ritsu lounging on the couch, Ritsu feeding her snacks" Short and to the point, but does one need much more than that? If you view the snacks as Halloween treats, you could say it kinda fits the Holiday theme...

Our fourth suggestion is Bathtime Mythra/ Hikari! Didn't the Aegis mention at one point that she hadn't bathed in several centuries? Well, she better get to cleaning, soap up those boobies! This suggestion is... well it's not Halloween themed at all, but does it really have to be? No.

There you have it, now it's up to you guys to vote on your suggestion of choice!

Poll will close on 10/14/2019 at 1:00 AM CDT


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