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I guess I mostly did these as a joke, since some of these questions (all talking about Ritsu for some reason) needed a visual answer. Or I guess it was just an excuse to draw Ritsu... Why such a limit palette? I wanted to keep them simple!

This first one is pretty self explanitory, I was given a mental image, and therefore needed to regurgitate it onto a digital canvas!

This one was actually a legitimate question, but man, sometimes I can't help myself from making a snarky answer! (The real answer is that I find Ritsu to be Mio's counterpart, so Asses are the counterpart to Breasts, at least I think so anyways)

and the last (for now) is just poking fun at how Ritsu doesn't understand English very well. 

I've also done these entirely digital, so it's good practice to work on my digital workflow!

want to see that for all of them? I attached the .psd files so you can pretend you drew these! or something idk...




Oh that silly Ritsu 🙄


Congrats Ritsu on becoming the mascot of Chets Curious Cat page!