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The noonday sun shines down on the small group, all standing in the sand with their

flip-flops and a light layer over their swimwear.

“Damn, Naoto! This is awesome!” Chie excitedly patters her feet in the sand, eyes

dancing from one end of the wide, empty beach to the other. “There really isn’t a single person

in sight!” Yukiko nods happily beside her. “Thanks for showing us this beach!” She says,

twisting her bare feet into the warm, sun-baked sand. “It’s no problem.” Naoto replies, running

her hand through her hair shyly. “Truthfully, I’ve always wanted to bring some friends here –

so thank you all for coming.” Rise grapples onto Naoto’s shoulders, smiling infectiously. “Of

course! This is gonna be a blast!”

“Anyways…” Naoto says, hefting a massive picnic basket up cradling it in the crook

of her tough arm. “…how about we set up our stuff and get into the water?”


Naoto drops the basket in a splash of pure white turf, and the girls swiftly unpack. In

no time at all, they’ve made their own little spot in paradise, replete with towels, chairs, and

even a huge umbrella.

“Hurry up and strip, guys. I wanna get in the water!” Rise calls, pulling her blouse

over her head. As the fabric clears her boobs, Rise’s generous boobs bounce atop her chest.

Tugging it even further up, the fabric of her sleeves cling to her arms, the high swells of her

impressive, budding biceps catching inside the narrow openings. Her crowning abs flex subtly

as she bends to throw the shirt off and into her bag. She tugs her bottoms off and they’re caught

against the swelling curves of her hips and legs on the way down, expanded as they were by

the weeks of workouts. Finally, she’s left in nothing but her flowery bikini, which clings onto

her hips and breasts, which themselves are gently propped up by her moderately increased

pectoral mass.

Next to her, Chie and Yukiko both make to do the same – pulling tops and bottoms off

to reveal swimwear below – with varying levels of difficulty along the way.


"When's the sketch for part 2?" "part two when?" Fine, here it is! jeez. lol
Continuing the Madame Muscle Yasogami collab story we've been working on, a Persona 4 muscle growth story that have the main girls push past their limits and beef up quite a bit! But can they end up winning the muscle contest on their own? Perhaps they can get some help from a certain mysterious bear mascot...

The writer has been posting the story on their subscribestar, with the two first parts being free!

hopefully patreon doesn't roast me for linking to a direct competitor's website...

Well that's part 2, will probably be a bit before I get to part 3, as I have other people I still owe sketches for before I can wrap back to this story. Still, I'll try and get through them as soon as I can, I know a few people have been wanting to see this one through!




my god they are absolutely beautiful
