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I did mention I'd draw stuff on my trip, and well I did. I wasn't exactly sure if I should post them as I drew them or wait until the end, and not bringing the cord to hook my camera up to my laptop kinda forced me to wait until I returned home, for my main art piece, so here we are.

All of these drawings are doodles are things I left back in Japan, leaving my mark in a way. Let's go over which place each doodle was for.






My trip was super fun, but I guess it's time for me to get back to work huh? Sorry for how little I've been putting stuff on here of late, perhaps I should have prayed to kami-sama to get my butt in gear.

PS at the Toyosato school, I found my old message from 5 years prior in their old guest book for 2019!




Shocking truth; you're really good at drawing Mio


I like the ones where you drew Mio.