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The TARDIS crash lands in London on a parallel world, where Rose's dad is still alive, people are disappearing off the streets and one of the Doctor's deadliest enemies is about to be reborn



Andrew Nicholson

Another interesting reaction,thanks guys…but yes, the original writers of the cybermen back in the 1960s were very much raising the social consequences even back then! . Cybermen date back all the way to the first doctor. In “our” universe: They invaded Earth from its sister planet Mondas. They had replaced their flesh with “superior” cybernetics but lost their emotions in the meantime.. Basically, in classic dr who, you have the daleks as the most often reoccuring villains…then its the cybermen . They fought doctors 1,2,4,5,6,7, and if you follow the audio books, 8 as well. They also appeared in the 20th anniversary - which might be worth a watch for a laugh at 1980s special fx, and a few guest stars (The original versions were invulnerable to bullets, but gold blocked their respirators, and certain chemical concoctions could disolve the plastic bits. But, to be honest, they were vulnerable to whatever the writer said that week). Scary technology is like the rubiyat quote… “The moving finger writes…and having writ, moves on…not all your piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line….nor all your tears wash out a word of it”


That's a really great quote by the way.