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The TARDIS takes The Doctor and Amy to war-torn Britain in the middle of World War Two. Not only do they meet Winston Churchill himself, but the Doctor comes face to face once again with his greatest enemy of all.




Rebecca Burgess

The actor who played Churchill did not play a slitheen just to let you know.


Steven Moffat was in an interview with Christel Dee at the end of his era & said this about the Paradigm Daleks. - Q: "Not everything you introduced was successful. You introduced a new design for the Daleks. There we go, on our mugs/cups over there. How hard is it redesigning an icon?" -A: "I would appear to make it look extremely difficult! It was a salutary lesson and lets just be clear in talking about the redesigned Daleks, that the fault resides entirely with me and not any of the brilliant team that made the new Daleks. They were beautiful in many respects It was my mistake and a completely unnecessary one. But tell you what was interesting about it. It was a fascinating lesson that I sort of never forgot. We made the Daleks huge! What a stupid idea. Why? You make the Daleks huge, you just move the camera further away and you make the Doctor smaller. Now if you've seen those actual props they're gorgeous. If you go and see them in real life or you've seen them on stage, they look amazing! Where they don't look good is on television, the only place where it matters that they look good. We put SO much thought and effort into our first filming block which were the Weeping Angel episodes that I think stand up to this day as the best we ever did. They were absolutely tremendous episodes. Matt looks like he's been playing it for years, Karen looks like she's been there forever. It all looks terrific. I took my eye off the ball of the block 2 episodes and should have been visiting that set, I shouldn't have been giving endless notes on the rushes (Block 1) that were unnecessary. I should have moved my attention to block 2, taken a look at those Daleks and the camera tests and thought, no let's not do it. Most of the things I wasn't quite sure about happened in that second block but my attention was on the beginning. The beginning is easy, it's keeping going that's hard & keeping going is all about that block 2 filming" (This was a transcript from "Steven Moffat On Matt Smith's Era, Writing The 5Oth Anniversary & MORE! | Doctor Who: The Fan Show) - https://youtu.be/ZOfIIqb8Uhg?si=J1mEgGvsNWpe37H4 All 3 parts are a fascinating watch for Whovians on Moffats era. Part 1- https://youtu.be/iBwBlwGbVaA?si=O81_YlBnoWUAiNOi Part 2 - link above Part 3 - https://youtu.be/styqnGNTffM?si=OxyICbYkc12c5lON (Includes a spoiler picture of 13 in costume)

Colin Bayley

Great job. They looked like a cynical grab for a toy line with the round form making them easier to make. They do revision from time to time. Most not working. The dalek in the last Christmas special for 13 with that massive gun that didn't do anything different from the normal gun springs to mind.