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With a 1926 dinner party turning into a murder mystery, The Doctor and Donna Noble get the chance to meet Agatha Christie on the eve of her well-known 9-days disappearance.


Kenyon Noble

REAL TALK - 5 of my Top 10 favorite episodes are in this last stretch..These joints go BOSS level. Can't wait for the watch-alongs

Andrew Nicholson

Next up, a visit to a library. Another Moffatt 2 parter incoming. Watch out for the line “Hello Sweetie.” To say more would be “Spoilers”. (Laughs evilly) I know Rekkai loves his lore, but despite the questions that you will have, ***do not*** look them up. Massive spoilers all over the web for possibly Dr Whos greatest ever wibbley-wobbley-timey-wimey, jaw-dropping-reveal, WTAF, heart-breaking story arc over the next 3 series. Some individual episodes are a bit ehh, but man, the arc… Your questions will be answered, I promise. And then, at the end, you’ll want to come back to the library again to catch what you missed first time. “You and me. Time and space. You watch us run!”

Elias Liliequist

i adore donna in this episode, she's acting exactly as i would in that situation