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The episode has my mind going: I must say upfront a lot of my thoughts are Armand-focused because he is very fascinating to me. Louis calling Daniel "boy" in the books he is referred to a lot however the context of a black man using "boy" so frequently really put me on edge I literally bristled Insane how Armand starts to recount his story to Daniel, and then hesitates on his second memory which probably involved graphic assault, Louis' words of mocking still fresh in his mind. "Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1000 years?" cut to Armand being the one in control of the sun protection in the Dubai windows. You can tell Armand carries that The way Armand has to be anything other than himself for the people he loves I personally can't put Armand in the category of pure villain, is he a bad person yes, is he manipulative yes, he also is damaged, was a child sex slave, who took on the roles that were given to him. It is tragic because he can't even let Louis make a fully informed decision to be with him if he had told Louis about Lestat it may have been different Louis may have chosen him completely but he couldn't risk the possibility of being left once again. Just a little side laugh: imagine being a 500-year-old vampire and being told that a 20-something-year-old drug addict was more fascinating than you😭 I’d snap as well (Fun fact: This was the 1st episode they filmed of the second season)