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Landing on the Welsh coast, the Doctor and Ruby embark on the strangest journey of their lives. In a rain-lashed pub, the locals sit in fear of ancient legends coming to life.



Crystal Sarver

The meeting with Kate was a “for the fans” moment. And as you get further in the series, you’ll understand better why that moment made the entire episode so terrifying. One of the downsides to watching the series out of order, I guess. Lol. But indeed this is the most terrifying episode I’ve ever seen and that includes in the classics. This trumps anything with the Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, etc… You mentioned a number of episodes ago to not show “Blink” to someone who’s never seen the show, and I’d say, don’t show a newbie this either! As someone with 20 years invested in this program, one of the things to note, as you’ve already seen with the “Torchwood” and “Bad Wolf” arcs, is that during RTD and Moffat years, if you feel an episode is missing big answers, they’re likely part of an arc. I have no foreknowledge of what’s to come this season, but knowing RTD and Moffat, you learn to pick up on things that don’t make sense. And if Moffat had a hand in this series, he loves hiding things in plain sight and in benign places. So I have theories, and I hope the majority of them are wrong. Keep up the good work and just enjoy the ride. For the deep dive, I suggest leaning into the wraith idea. Scottish lore on wraiths explain a number of small things in this episode.

Kenyon Noble

Steven Moffat also wrote "The Girl in the Fireplace".. Also, I think that the answers of this episode are going to come back around later in the season.

Kodi mann

don't know about the mechanic in the story but a youtuber poparena brought up more what the theme might be on his twitter and it trama how everyone has it you can't get away from it and even if you think you move past it. It in the distance waiting for you. For Ruby the old lady is the embodiment of her abandonedment issue that started with her birth mother and in the beginning of this episode a new but very important person in her life disappears and later her mother. You can heal but it not something you get past 100 percent. That doesn't mean you stop your life like ruby you and work to fight the real evils of the world but doing that isn't a fix for the scars you carried

Crystal Sarver

I’m not familiar with that reactor, I’ll check them out! But I’ve seen a few who’ve mentioned things along that line. And I get that. But, and this has been my issue with RTD this year, the writers haven’t done a good job of building up that point. I have to word this carefully because I don’t know if you’ve seen Special 1 yet or if anyone else here has, so I don’t want to spoil anything. In special 1, one of the characters says “After all these years, I’m finally me.” I think Mr TARDIS on YouTube said the same thing I had thought (can’t remember if it was him or someone else), “when was that even a thing?” This character was confident, well-rounded, presented as nothing but who they are. So that point RTD was making was not built up. It was just kind of thrown in with nothing to really drive it home. Same with Ruby, we’ve gotten very little in terms of abandonment issues. As someone who has spent years in therapy because of abandonment issues (sorry if that’s TMI), I don’t see the markings of it in Ruby. I know everyone’s different and presents these things differently. But this isn’t a real person it’s a character RTD is writing and controlling with his words. And like with Special 1, he’s not building this point up nor driving it home. I agree with you and the other reactor videos that have mentioned it, that this is the point he’s making with the episode. But to reiterate, “when was that even a thing?” He created a well rounded character who seems confident (up until this episode) being on their own, not having to double check if the doctor was still there, she wants to know who her birth mother is, but she recognizes her adopted mother as her real mom. Except for a few throw away lines in a previous episode (Space Babies, I think), RTD hasn’t driven this point home enough to make this episode stand out for me as an episode that makes sense to deal with the abandonment issues.

Joe Cleveland

I think the abandonment issue is there — it snows in Boom when the ambulance is trying to establish Ruby’s next of kin, and it snows in this episode when she feels abandoned by the Doctor, and then when she’s abandoned by her mother Carla. Here, at the time of her death, Ruby has lived a life where everyone abandons her, and she’s never been alone in 65 years only because she accompanies herself. But I think the real key to the episode is articulated by Kate Stewart. When Ruby shares why she won’t travel by boat or plane, Kate responds: “Sounds wise. It’s what we do, all of us. We see something inexplicable and invent the rules to make it work.” What this episode gives us is a mess of inexplicable things, and the drama is how Ruby — and how _we_ — try to invent rules that will make things make sense.

Andrew Nicholson

I suspect answers will be coming in a later episode. As a theory, It may also be connected to a fourth season episode called “turn left”…which you haven’t seen yet.

Crystal Sarver

I had considered the snow might be indicative of that. But it hasn’t been consistent. It’s also snowed when she’s just under stress and not necessarily facing a situation that might trigger abandonment issues. I think the Devil’s Chord and Space Babies weren’t really moments that triggered abandonment issues, but something else. But your second point is exactly why I have a million theories trying to fit in all of the little things we’ve seen so far. And I hold to my initial statement of if it’s confusing or unanswered, then knowing RTD and Moffat, it’s part of some big arc.

Elias Liliequist

i hope we never learn what she told them that made them run away screaming, not knowing makes it more unnerving tbh

Isac (Welsh_ML)

I’m going to have to type real timer for this stuff that castle thing is very very true. They needed them to control us as we were very revolting. The first ever example of the red flag used in a communist context was actually in Wales to. What’s the English oppression against Wales has been a problem for over 2000 years where England is necessary, the Welsh used to live and the English according to DNA records in a very wide range, they suggest that the English ethnically cleansed 50% to 100% of the Welsh natives on the land of Britain. Scotland came later on a caused us no bother. I’ll post sources below , but also the English oppression continues into the 21st-century where the Welsh only Kings equal human rights to the English in 2011. And for many many years, if you were Welsh speaking, and you can speak English and you were trading caught, it would be automatically found guilty as your language would be considered in admissible in court. We also had a thing called the Welsh not with English tried to wipe out the Welsh language by punishing children for speaking Welsh by holding a block her, and I like and they speak in courage to snitch at the next Welsh speaker and whoever was wearing the block that at the end of the school day would get beaten by the teacher. English flooded villages to create reservoirs to sell that water back to us. There is also a common running joke with people called us. Sheep Shaggers, I personally don’t mind it, but the history behind it is that back with the English ruled us completely. We had to steal food from the farms, otherwise we would starve and usually it would be livestock such as sheep, and if we were caught with the sheep we risk is there having arms cut off or execution. All the one last choice would be to embarras ourselves and stick a bad name to our generations above we would have to claim we were trying to have sexual relations with the livestock because it technically wasn’t illegal at the time under English rule to be set free.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

I do apologise, I am still using voice to text and it doesn’t understand my accent because my fingers are shit. Also, sorry for the long message , but I will also explain that there are many freedom fighting movements in Wales, of which I personally have been a part of and have been caught so I am free to talk about it now we never targeted civilians! However, we only targeted infrastructure taking our resources from Wales to England! 🩷 the FWA, MAC and Meibion Glyndwr is a whole nother story which is how I got in trouble. I believe up till now they have burnt down over 300 homes owned by English on the Welsh coastline.. as they are bought by a very very rich capital list, English landlords and we have a housing crisis in Wales due to it, just so the landlords can sell our houses as holiday homes of which are used for two weeks a year to the English. If you look it up, we now have ghost tones due to this issue, so we decided to take action in the late 70s starting all the way through until now burning down these English, landlord rich motherfucker holiday homes, obviously not when people were in it. In Wales, many of us believe in the culture of if you come here, and believe you are Welsh that you are one of us, because being Welsh is a State of a heart , Awl, Owl welcome here

Isac (Welsh_ML)

My last comment as well, which is still really frustrates me because I still refer to myself as well and not the proper term Cymry because the word Welsh originates from old English, it was a term that meant both slave and foreigner at the time of rule over us.