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Anthony's duty to his family wars with his desire for Kate. Edwina ponders her future -- and impresses the queen. Eloise's rendezvous stirs suspicion.




LMFAO she is definitely an Edwina stan haha. 😂 I'm all for Kate though. I did feel bad for Edwina, but Anthony and Kate told her from the beginning he was NOT in this for love-only to find a perfect wife, and nothing else but we can agree to disagree.

Veronica _R_T (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-22 21:59:01 It's crazy but the show is made for drama and Edwina wanting to marry Anthony wasn't in the books. But, we also have to take into account that they never read the books so they don't know that Edwina was never meant to be with Anthony. They thought this was about Edwina and they didn't know that this has always been Kate and Anthony's love story and how they both overcome their individual traumas to be together. Edwina is the obstacle to Kate and Anthony.
2024-05-22 21:59:01 It's crazy but the show is made for drama and Edwina wanting to marry Anthony wasn't in the books. But, we also have to take into account that they never read the books so they don't know that Edwina was never meant to be with Anthony. They thought this was about Edwina and they didn't know that this has always been Kate and Anthony's love story and how they both overcome their individual traumas to be together. Edwina is the obstacle to Kate and Anthony.
2024-05-21 21:53:02 It's crazy but the show is made for drama and Edwina wanting to marry Anthony wasn't in the books. But, we also have to take into account that they never read the books so they don't know that Edwina was never meant to be with Anthony. They thought this was about Edwina and they didn't know that this has always been Kate and Anthony's love story and how they both overcome their individual traumas to be together. Edwina is the obstacle to Kate and Anthony.

It's crazy but the show is made for drama and Edwina wanting to marry Anthony wasn't in the books. But, we also have to take into account that they never read the books so they don't know that Edwina was never meant to be with Anthony. They thought this was about Edwina and they didn't know that this has always been Kate and Anthony's love story and how they both overcome their individual traumas to be together. Edwina is the obstacle to Kate and Anthony.


It’s wild y’all kept saying Anthony can “grow to love” Edwina when he has explicitly said he definitely doesn’t want love. Even if she knew about his true feelings and they still got married, it will eat at her and that would build resentment. Marrying her would just be delaying heartbreak and it would be much worse down the line, especially if they have kids. Also kinda bizarre (and a little telling) that you can make so many excuses for Anthony but fail to give Kate the same grace. Kate needs to “find a new man” yet you’re like ‘oh Anthony’s just doing his duty’ when this man has been actively pursuing his fiancé’s sister despite her avoiding him (you can actually count the number of times Kate has sought him out this entire season on one hand and most of the time it was because Edwina asked or for her). Mary is “going through much” but no sympathy for Kate and her need for control, but you get Violet was going through much and that affected Anthony and his duty . Kate def ain’t perfect but damn. Kate doesn’t even get any money when Edwina marries, it’s just her mom and sister. Felt like the woman either just wanted to hate Kate or wasn’t paying attention to the dialogue