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The Doctor must deal with the repercussions of his decision to become human, as The Family Of Blood unveil themselves...




I’ll talk with our editor and see what the best way to go about it.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Just starting this bad boy, just a tiny bit confused with the name a sec, oh sorted it's hooman nature lol did you just call martha rose lmaoo, you timelords are all the same lol, "rose don't let that lady steal your thunder" this 2 episodes were filmed in a very small traditional welsh village very close to me, in order to keep our history we turned it into basically a townwide museum, i used to go there with my mam so much as a kid! brings great memories seeing these streets again! yeah martha could outquiz most of them mfs at this time lol, she could probably build a phone infront of them or some shit make their brains go POP!! this is the slower but really interesting to me first half of this one, the next one will be faster paced but wont tell you opinions till i see it again lmaoo. the watch releases the time lord essence or his whole consciousness, (also physicality somehow i don't remember well see) when the watch is opened it releases a tiny bit of the essence and thats how the bloods can sniff out the watch, but it's only tiny tiny bits of timelord energy not the full thing until it it released properly with the right person (me think) but the family are intergalactic hunters that feed on peoples lives, they turned focus on the doctor for his near-immortality, theyre actually just gas, but can be transferred into almost any form. they do this as like a mayfly their lifespans are only about 3 months long. so literally eat to live. thanks guys


Thank you for the comment. I really enjoyed this episode. It's really setting the tone for the upcoming "greatness" of this series that we're about to unvail.