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Obsessed with their virtual reality quest, Jin and Jack race to solve a complex riddle but advancing to the next level brings harrowing consequences.




As one of the book readers I'll say the concepts the author was going for it deeper than this species asking earthlings for help. But I believe the next epi will answer all that. I'm impressed with how the tv show is setting everything up for most viewers. There’s quite a few differences as there are similarities. A lot of setup was cut out which so far I think is good. I'm enjoying you guys.


I'm loving the world they are creating so far. I'm curious if/when we meet the aliens how much more this world the author has created will change. The stakes are already so high and a lot of these action and consequences are having global impacts. It's fun watching these "little people" have such a power influence over all of humanity. I'm all in


It's hard to say anything about the aliens based on what's in the books without giving away plot twist. Plus the show is taking creative liberties that aren't in the book or play out differently than the book. Such as none of the mainline character scientists know or even meet each other in the books. Or the show giving the sophons more abilities to interact in our world than the 1st book beyond interfering with our ability to use quantum science and monitoring us. The creators may change all of that for viewers. The youtube channel Quinn's Ideas does an easily digestable breakdown of all 3 book. That's how I discovered this story. I will say that the science is heavily based in string theory among other things. So it's very science heavy. You can say the SanTi are like climate change. The looming extinction event we need to start battling now, kind of thing. But it goes into deeper ideas about human existence and the universe.