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When ghosts of loved ones appear all over the world the Doctor traces the phenomena to the Torchwood Tower, where some old friends and enemies are waiting.



Andrew Nicholson

Thanks for your reaction, as always. I was looking forward to seeing your reaction to Mickeys arc from comic relief to ‘badass defending the earth’. As you can see, the frustration of being a Doctor Who fan is it goes from good to bad and back again , often from week to week. Glad you’re enjoying episode 12, and yeah Daleks plus Cybermen = not good for the Earth ! Theres a really fun conversation between them in the next episode which i wont spoil (but even more fun when you understand its the same voice actor doing both sides)…Just remember, next up is the season finale. They’re *always* emotional rollercoasters in some way. And here’s a trivia question for you…which Torchwood character appeared first in Dr Who? (Albeit retconned slightly). Hint…it’s not Jack.


Micky really surprised me. He's come a long way since season 1. I know as viewers we need to realize these teams aren't forever so I'm trying to appreciate everyting we're watching now. I'm see now it's going to be a bitter/sweet relationship with this show as a whole.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

mickey for a while kept flipflopping, but eventually he actually grew a ballsack and worked for it, i respect the fuck out of mickey from now onwards