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Season Finale WOOP WOOP





this is one of tthe most beautiful dance sequences ever


My Opinion lol


I like to interpret this episode in the sense that the girl in the dance is representative of God and macs Catholicism. He is struggling with his identity as a catholic while also being gay and doesn’t know how to feel. At the end of the dance the girl who is representative of God or an angel is telling him it’s ok. And so mac was able to break through that barrier he had that he couldn’t come to terms with his sexuality vs his religion.

Bob M

Great reaction! I love this episode but I don't usually watch it during my re-watches for two reasons. First, it makes me cry and I don't like doing that too often. Second, it doesn't FEEL like an IASIP episode. Rob was raised by two gay women and I'm sure this episode meant something special to him. The work he put into getting into shape and learning the choreography to this deserves a lot of respect. But practically no lines that he said in this episode sound like things Mac would say. But I am happy to suspend disbelief in this case because I am glad that dance scene was made and that I got to see it.

Russian Paul

i'm in the minority but i really dislike this episode. for what it's worth i am gay, i appreciate rob is an ally and he was raised by two women but it just goes against what sunny is, it's satire, he is so much funnier in the closet. the point of the show isn't to watch them grow and mature, that's the joke. to me devito blubbering at the end was soo cringey and sappy. kinda also feels like it was more ego driven than what is best for the show. he gets to show off his ripped physique and yea, a very well choreographed dance, and maybe a little virtue signal hey look at what an ally i am. it was just so out of character. i always get shouted down that i just didn't get it when i share this opinion but i feel it's valid, i get why everyone else likes it, just not for me. not the sunny i love


I love when Hot God runs back to Mac and he catches her, saying God will never leave you, in spite of what society has taught him. And Frank saying "i get it" as a surrogate father is enough to make a grown man cry.

Loic Reviews

FYI that dance scene got Ryan Reynolds to slid into Rob's DM

Nicky D

I get that take. I for one felt like, as much as I love Closet Mac, Denial Mac, Just Move Past It Mac, etc., I also felt like after years of that, it was a fun change to actually have him come out and see how that would affect the gang.


When you said you didn't want an always sunny twist at the end of this, you got the biggest one and what I find the most admirable about this episode. The restraint. There was no joke. They knew anything like that would have destroyed the impact so they knew that just this once....no joke. This is a great episode. Admittedly, I don't go back to it very often. There's something about the song they use that just doesn't sit with me right. It's probably the most depressing, bleak, and unnerving song I've ever heard and I'm a musician and listen to tons of music. I don't think Sigur Ros is for me haha. If this was where the show was headed, sure I'd be bummed but for just this one time, doing something different here with a good message really paid off. They never do explain how Luther landed back in jail after being found innocent of the stop sign thing but it's Luther so who knows haha Other than eps 8 and 9, rewatching this season was great

Jay Davis

Great note. Straight man here. As a general rule, I fucking hate interpretative dance of any nature. Also, I fucking hate when Sunny started leaning into sending more of a message of any nature. Yes, I know they've always made a little social commentary or whatever here and there, but that was never the forefront of anything. The comedy and shitshow characters were always front and center as it should be. This episode absolutely blew me away when I first saw it, and if this was the one message they put in the forefront, then I was completely cool with this episode being a standalone in that nature. It was Frank's finally "getting it" that gave me hope for others having hope and gaining acceptance. But then as I started watching this dance again here (and before reading your comment), I thought to myself, yeah....this is kind of feels a little self-serving and "look at me" for Rob. And 100%, Mac coming out of the closet is one of the worst decisions they have made for the show. The comedy is so much better that way. If they aren't going to throw him back in the closet, then they need to raise his IQ points and self-assertiveness back up some.

Jay Davis

I thought the girl is his religion/beliefs that he was accepting, rejecting, and kept throwing itself back into his life. The shining light at the end is God (who would also be considered a father) granting his approval. Either way, the way they formed a cross together at the end was pretty cool.

Jack Hunziker

wow, IASIP managed to literally bring tears to my eyes, well done

Russian Paul

lol I also am not a fan of interpretative dance so that could also be another reason it didn't do it for me. I get why people were touched by Frank's "I get it", I just felt it too on the nose. like it was written by straight people to make straight people feel good. i'm sure that's not fair and i bet plenty of gay people dig it. but that's just how it hit for me when i first saw it. I agree there has been a noticeable shift with season 13, I wouldn't say they've gone fully "woke" but you can tell they're approaching some things through a more sensitive lens. still, in season 12 when they turned black and hero or hate crime, I felt they still had their old sense of humor and approach to social commentary. I also felt they kinda retconned Mac's character to get to this point. there are numerous examples throughout the show where Mac was clearly going out of his way to get with women, then they added the latent homosexual stuff which was hilarious, but he just came across as bi and in denial about a side of himself. him being fully gay and proud all of a sudden doesn't match what came before.

Ryan Roach

On the one hand, I think it's kinda great Sunny finally had a sincere moment on the show. On the other hand, it's a little sad that Sunny finally had a sincere moment on the show.

Ryan Roach

They've hinted Reynolds will guest star as Mac's first boyfriend next season.

Ryan Roach

They've hinted Reynolds will guest star as Mac's first boyfriend next season.