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Dee is the goat not Brady lol



Watch "S13x9" on Streamable.



Dude, I need your reaction to the finale, like ASAP

Loic Reviews

Yo! I'm finally caught up with your sunny reactions and wanted to comment on something, you're probably recording with OBS and I think your mic's gain is a bit too high which makes any noise in the room super loud in your recording. Don't know if you use a USB mic or a XLR mic but if you do use a XLR mic I highly suggest you to invest in a pre-amp like the FetHead which is "ok" price wise and it will help you gaining more volume without your mic needing to get up in the gain. In this video for exemple when you drink and put down your bottle the boom it makes on your table is super loud. Sorry for the long comment but since you just dropped this you might actually see this and didn't knew how else to reach you.

Russian Paul

lol funny you instinctively said Roach when mac said he was replacing cricket with rex...Roach was the cricket lookalike in the cheesy 80s ski episode (DID YOU CUM IN MY BURRITO?!?!)


This one was a little more enjoyable rewatching than the previous episode. Of all the episodes that don't have Glenn, I feel like it's the most noticable on these two but I probably wouldn't be wild about em either way. Not a big sports guy. Amazing episode comin next! You should enjoy everything else coming up in the show since you dug this one alot. It's all uphill from here except maybe an episode or two here and there!