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Jay Davis

It's a line that's missed, but my favorite episode quote to (mis)use in real life is "finally a win for straight white men!". Also, this episode reminds me of what Glenn has to do to take a dump (you podcast creeps will know).


ayeee you pronounced my name correctly too! lol yeah it was just an article saying that sunny has the most words per minute of any show or something and that my captions get messed up all the time too and i guarantee that’s why haha


I'm BEGGING you to stop using the constitution in the way that you're using it. Love this ep. It's been a good minute also since we just had the gang chillin in the bar for a whole episode.


I hope they get back to it next Monday. It's been like 3 weeks I think haha. I expected it though being that they're doin the live in London stuff and wrapping up season 16

Russian Paul

one of my least favorite episodes...i get what they were going for but the social commentary feels forced and at the expense of humor, the writing is just weird, it feels like a fan-fic written episode. i think the only one where i didn't laugh. also i can't get past the cringey wearing of tropical shirts and going to a buffet concert lol


Britta did mention antiquated gender roles when talking about marriage lol

Nicole M

intersex is a real thing and it essentially means you were born with both female and male anatomy. there's a lot of variations in it in terms of what parts, hormones, etc. but mac is actually right here. also gay men were not ever trying to use women's bathrooms

Jack Hunziker

statistically mormons tend to be slightly wealthier than the average american