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This is one of my stand out favorites from this season

jordan nieto

This one is a slow build. But the payoff is so worth it.


one reason i like to patron you CJ is because of how much attention you give to what you watch. I know youll never miss the parts im looking forward to you seeing, and you catch things ive missed even, like the details of the worst bar list in this episode haha, thanks for being you

Max Herberg

Fun fact, Alan, the male presenter, is married to megan ganz


I never thought to look at the list lol. Out of all the things in this episode, I lose it the most at Mac's happy hop to be in the scenario early in the episode idk why. When I first saw this, I thought Mac "grabbing Dee by the pussy" was a Trump joke. Trump said he doesn't even wait...not too far off from Dennis. You seem to be enjoying season 13 alot. It really does have alot of bangers in it and outside of the two episodes I can't get into, I like s13 more every time I watch it.

Nicole M

the episode is called time's up because that's the name of the movement (like #MeToo). also, all the comments about how hot it was were jokes about the social "climate" we're currently living in. and dee and charlie had sex in the gang misses the boat when everyone went their separate ways and dee and charlie tried def poetry

Jay Davis

Which is also why they used the ticking watch sound effect throughout the entire episode.


this may be my favorite episode of the season, but there’s a few that you haven’t seen that are up there for me too

Jay Davis

Honestly, I'm surprised to say I never looked at the list either. So here's my guesses on some of the list. There's a lot of names on the list. It will be interesting whenever the podcast gets there to see if they list every reference. Bad Bill's Watering Hole - I think this one is Bill Cosby (the drugging is key) Laughing Louie Comedy Lounge - That's 100% the comic Louis C.K. (the public masturbation is the easy give away). Harvey's Bungalow - That's Harvey Weinstein for sure.


Let's goooo https://bleedingcool.com/tv/always-sunny-too-early-to-already-have-a-favorite-season-16-episode/