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Season 12 is goated





Season 12 is over hated by a lot of ppl. It’s phenomenal


I think it's great. The comedy starts to take on a new flavor because Megan Ganz does so much of the writing from here on out, but I love the later seasons. I think the show really benefited from a new writing perspective to give it a bit of a kick.


I agree partially because Megan is great however season 13 isn’t all that great to me but not bc of Megan. Megan wrote a couple of the few and far in between gems of season 13 that were phenomenal but overall season 13 struggled bc rob Charlie and Glen were only involved in writing 1 of the episodes. They are more involved in 14 and 15 and it shows but season 13 was a let down for me. Not even bc of the finale which I thought was great unlike a lot of crude and weird sunny fans but overall besides a few gems here and there, 2 of which written by Megan. Megan does however play an even bigger role in 14 and 15 along with rob Charlie and Glen which for me is very apparent in the quality


Next season is the weakest in the series for me but also has a few gems in there. Rob Charlie and Glen we’re not as involved in the writing of the season as they are in every other season which I think is the downfall. Maybe you’ll find the next season great, it’s all up to preference. It does pick back up after in the following seasons for me though and rob Charlie and Glen are more involved going forward as well.


You're gonna hear a lot of opinions on s13. There's two back to back episodes in the season that I found to be the worst of the entire series but there's also episodes in it that I like a lot more than any of 14 or 15. 14s my least favorite season but it's got good stuff too. Like all the seasons (except maybe 10), 13s got a banger of a finale. Pretty good opener too. Once I got to this point, I got so much enjoyment from this show that I was just along for the ride at that point. The later seasons of this show are still better than mainstream comedies in their prime.

Jay Davis

1. The actress who played Mandy was also in The Walking Dead. She played Dawn, the cop in the hospital in Atlanta. 2. When Charlie said don't make me have sex again as he laid down next to Dee, he was referring to them having sex in "The Gang Misses The Boat" episode in season 10 (when they suddenly started making out in Dee's apartment).


Denis’ god hole and emptiness was filled for a brief moment before being emptied again. I kinda view this as a climax or mid way climax(considering the show is still airing) for his character arc in a way. Not that this show necessarily focuses on arcs but Denis has had by far the most character study done in the show and this was a great way to shine some spotlight on him.


Yeah, 13 is definitely the weakest of the series, but it still has some absolutely hilarious episodes. One in particular comes to mind.


Yea there’s one episode I might consider one of the best in series but there’s also some of the lowest lows in the series. Overall I find is disappointing but it’s not like it’s completely awful. And it picks right back up with season 14 for me with genuinely genius writing in 14


I did not know that about Mandy being in the walking dead. I’ve seen both shows but never even realized it until your comment

Jay Willis

Well said. Everyone was just busy with other projects and I think didn't feel like they had the time or energy to devote to everything. In the last few years it seems they've each found a way to balance everything they've got going on a bit more.

Jay Davis

Megan was credited for writing 2 episodes in season 13. Those are easily 2 of the best of the season. The clear highlight (for me) of season14 was also written by Megan. Danielle Schneider and Dannah Phirman wrote episodes in season 12 and 13. Those are some of the worst ones. I think they were gone after season 14.

Jay Davis

I didn't recognize her when it first aired either. I just happened to look her up on IMDB back then and was surprised as well.


Who hates it? I only ever see people saying it's one of the best

jordan nieto

It's just impress how even when they have down seasons they can bounce back. And I like the lessons they share. Reminds me of my childhood.

will buffington

both actors that played "belle" were cute.