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Season 12 is in the running for one of the best seasons of sunny.



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12 is great


Mac went right back in the closet after they were saved from the boat because he believed it was a miracle from God and as he said God wouldn’t make him gay if he exists

Russian Paul

keep expectations low for 13...they bounce back in 14 and 15

Jay Davis

Yeah, there are a couple of episodes that I really like, but the quality on the rest is pretty bad. I'd even be fine with skipping some of them.

Jay Davis

For next week, there's a major character in the episode that is played by an actor that appeared in the show 9 years earlier. There is ZERO established connection in the story lines, so don't bother looking for it. He just happened to appear as one of the guys that was competing to be on the Paddy's billboard.


The entirety of season 14 doesn't even touch the highlights of 13. 14 is my least favorite season but it's got some good stuff too. For the sake of not spoiling anything, I'll just say eps 1, 4, 5, 6, and 10 make season 13 better than the preceding ones. 15 is good tho.


I'm in the middle of working on something for my own channel but I guess I'll pause lol. Wanna see your reaction to this one.

Ryan Roach

The story of the bundle of sticks thing being called an f-slur is an urban legend. Obviously homosexuals were executed in the past here (in some countries even now) but not specifically by being burned at the stake.

Ryan Roach

People were actually really annoyed when Mac went back into the closet at the end of last season. so Rob decided he would come out for good and they would figure out how to write for Mac now being openly gay.

Russian Paul

yea i don't want to spoil anything either, for me season 13 had the lowest lows. all seasons have redeeming episodes too. i'd just rather CJ go in and be pleasantly surprised and not disappointed. i agree 15 is stronger than both

Ryan Roach

Calling someone a slur is definitely not a hate crime or even hate speech (as a legal term. Legally there is no such thing as hate speech). None of this makes any sense, but it's Sunny so what're you gonna do? Dee should get the ticket, she bought it. At most she owes Dennis two dollars.


She bought the ticket with Dennis' money as her employer and it was for another purpose than he had designated as her employer. Maybe she should get the money (I dont think so), but she should also be fired and sued for that money back along with damages.

Russian Paul

just realized charlie was also the one who said the n word in the very first episode lol the only two times it's been said on the show

Jay Davis

Legal Eagle covers this episode and who should legally own the ticket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr9ZdBwCjwk

Jay Davis

Ryan, yeah, there's no such thing as hate speech in the U.S. (as it should be). It does exist in other countries though.

Jay Willis

Good observation. I wonder if it's coincidental or if Charlie Day was comfortable with it and the others weren't. Probably coincidental, but maybe they'll discuss it when they get to this episode in the Always Sunny podcast.

Jay Willis

I forgot just how hilarious the bike scene was. This is such a classic episode. Underrated moment: Charlie explaining the dog shit and Dennis' reactions, "LESS happy!" "now i have more questions!"

Ryan Roach

Charlie is the only one innocent enough to say it and have plausible deniability that he didn't mean it in a hateful way.


It would be a hate crime if Frank used the slur then dropped the piano on Mac's head.

Jay Davis

Right. It's better to set the bar/expectations low. Although I guess it's different when you don't have to wait an entire offseason for new episodes. There's one episode in season 14 that I hated on first watch, but I was just so pissed at not having many ones I loved in that season. That same episode later turned out to be one of my top 10 of all time when I gave it a chance later.