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wooo! i was excited for this one

Jay Davis

Shepherd's pie is ok. If you are in Ireland though, you gotta watch out for the meatball soup.


😂 I’m glad ya like my name


I loved this episode there were so many good parts like the dennis high note or frank being covered in hand sanitizer

Nate D.

Alcohol withdraws is one of the few that can actually kill you, benzos like Xanax is the other, most others just make you super miserable and wish you were dead

Christopher Edwards

I just think they mention benzo(something) in the book Dopamine Nation we read in my book club last month. Benzodiazepine? I forget what it is, pills?? Don’t they have pills they use to ween alcoholics off the drug dependency?


If they don't get medical treatment for alcohol withdrawal, then they will die.


DOUBLE DROP?!!! Fucking ay!! my 4/20 bout to be dope

Jay Davis

Just fyi, the robot was a reference to a the cartoon/toys Voltron. Five different robots combined to make the one giant robot. Also, Stuttering Army Carnie Dee's daddy who died from throat cancer from eating some bad pussy was a reference to the actor Michael Douglas. He got throat cancer and in an interview said it wasn't caused by alcohol or tobacco. It was from the HPV he caught from giving oral sex.