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Luke Trottier

Always like these self-referential commentary shows. :) I saw this fly over multiple reactors' heads somehow (that is not at all meant to sound rude, and stuff can fly over my head all the time, I just find this particular episode sort of beats the idea bluntly over your head with how direct it is), I'm hoping it doesn't for you. It's totally fine if it does. Keeping in mind that this episode is them talking about themselves and awards for the show, if you didn't get that initially, though, may help you better see such things in the future. :) This show also only ever had one magazine cover appearance (I know that isn't the end all be all, lol). They are so clever and gifted!

Luke Trottier

Lol, okay, I see a patreon comment brought it to your attention, if you wouldn't have already got it. Doesn't hurt to share with you that the show never won any awards/consideration. Though IMO if you didn't know that, it is completely 100% not at all important to know in order for this episode to make sense. I feel like they make it ultra clear that they haven't, by the plot and dialogue of the episode. Unless we think the bar award is a real thing, and the bar that wins it behaves like a stereotypical sitcom, complete with fans, unrealistic conversation, the lighting/music, Charlie mentioning a best song award for... a bar? instead of a tv show, which they make and are on? And have a history also of self-referential comedy on? etc. And continues going down that road stronger and stronger. Anyway, stoked to watch this. :) That isn't a criticism of the person for giving the info at all, btw. I didn't know the Louis thing (never heard of it). I think this also could have been posted after this episode, but nothing wrong with how it was presented, either. Cool tidbit.

Luke Trottier

The bar was a laugh track I think, lol.

Jay Davis

The ringing of the bell in the bar to tell the people to drink is a comment on how actual shows use laugh tracks to let the audience know when they should laugh. The location of the bar down the street that already won a ton of awards is a reference to the tv show Louie that was on their same channel, FX. Louie came on the scene and immediately started winning awards/acclaim. For those of you who haven't watched the podcast, they mention how they like Chad Coleman ("Z"). They used him in a pilot for a space comedy show, and the lines they were quoting as Z's lines were hilarious. I REALLY wish we could see that pilot episode!

Jay Davis

Yeah, the message I sent was very careful to not include any spoilers whatsoever about what was going on in the episode. The information I gave was context about what was happening in the real world. The show "Louie" was Louis C.K.'s show. It was also very different from your regular sitcoms and had a lot of edgy, crass, funny humor. Most Sunny fans would enjoy it. Anyway, they burst on the scene and started winning awards immediately, while Sunny wasn't receiving any recognition.


there is a spider...spider..spider... he's deep in my soul...soul... he's lived here for years...years... he just won't let go... he's laying around... he's got a mean bite... now he's ready toooo FIIIIIIGHT and stand up for what he knows... i dont need your trophies or your gold i just wanna tell you all: go fuck yourselves! *spit* (maybe a perfect song. also charlie can sing gd, but we knew that already)


I agree, in new girl Winston had so much less screen time and they never built too much character for him and he was one of my favorites. I also think that bar with all the colors is almost a reference to new girl


Spot on


yeah i never really realized exactly how meta this episode is, it’s great

Jay Davis

Other than Louie (because the references are very specific, same tv channel as IASIP, same time frame as they referenced, awards), it's hard to pick out the other shows they are talking about. I've seen people mention New Girl before, so you could be right. Hopefully we'll find out when the podcast covers that episode.

Luke Trottier

D'uh (saying that to myself!). I somehow never clued into that ringing thing = laugh track cue. The people in the bar being the laugh track (or 'awwwwwww' track) was obvious enough for me, though. Having not known about Louie, I didn't get that - but I definitely thought the conversation about is it us, etc. was obvious. 'Is it our location?' I thought was obviously referring to time slot and/or television network, etc. I think the ringing bell is the only thing that flew over my head, thanks. The first time I watched I had no clue Sunny hadn't won awards, but after watching lol, it told me itself. The ringing bell always stood out a bit, part of me thought I was missing more. Part of me thought it was just a gimmicky, light-hearted fun participation thing you'd expect to see in that sort of environment (bar/sitcom wise). Ironically I think this show actually is award consideration worthy. If that fairly long closing segment in a season finale down the road didn't win an award, I feel like they never will win one. I won't say anything else about it, but you can probably guess what I am referring to.

Jay Davis

I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about, and yeah, I was completely shocked at the lack of recognition.


So excited to watch, this is one of my favorite meta joke episodes ever


That part about shows with too many black people not winning awards was a reference to The Wire; they were really screwed over. I wonder if executives tried to get Dee and Mac together when it came out that the actors were a couple in real life.


"Enjoy the rawness of it" Thats what she said!

Jay Davis

I got to thinking about this. A couple times Frank told them to trust him and that he knows what he's doing. I looked it up, and Danny Devito had won both an Emmy and a Golden Globe back in the 80's for his work on the tv show Taxi.